..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Thursday, July 23, 2020

[05:29 UTC-4]
[+73*F_cloudy_winds:southwest@6_humidity:92%_barometer:29.94"~_Today's Hi/Lo:+79*F+60+F]....
[Today oh MadTrollie:[Brubeck];[Montgomery];[McKenzie];[in the mood for a little Jazz today]]....
<[24/7 Games.com]>
Spades: five games played consisting of a total of
[1] five hands played:"we" 296 pts. + 6 bags:[vs]:"they" -206 pts. + 4 bags + set thrice + 1 failed nil bid..[a "classic" "they" implosion game]..
[2] ten hands played:"we" 558 pts. + 8 bags + set once + 356 pts. + 6 bags + set twice..
[3] seven games played:"we" 547 pts. + 7 bags + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 228 pts. + 8 bags + 1 failed nil bid..
[4] ten hands played:"we" 555 pts. + 15 bags [-100 pts.] + set once:[vs]:"they" -83 pts. + 7 bags + set five times + 1 failed nil bid..
[5] thirteen hands played:"we" 584 pts. + 24 bags [-200 pts.] + set once:[vs]:"they" 75 pts. + 15 bags [-100 pts.] + set five times + 1 made & 1 failed nil bids..[7th hand.."they" failed a nil bid & bagged.."we" bagged....
Hearts: five games played..[1] a 17 pt. win..[2] a 13 pt. win..[3] a six pt. win..[4] a 7 pt. win..[5] made a successful "moon shot"..caught the Queen of Spades..a 31 pt. win....
<[World of Solitaire]>
Aces Up[relaxed]: failed to clear either of the two games played[best:[40/48]]..
Eight Off[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[52/52]..
Fan[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[52/52]..one game was cleared by moving only Kings to open squares..
Fort[relaxed]: only cleared one of the two games played[104/104]..
Josephine[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[104/104]..one of the games was cleared on the 1st of 2 allowable turns thru the deck..
Klondike[turn 1]: failed to clear either of the two games played[best:[20/52]..
Seahaven Towers[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[52/52]..
Tri-Peaks[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[52/52]....
[07:18 UTC-4]
Poker:[05:32]..the /usual awaiting drop(w/ad.).."44K house money"..[the typical side-trips]..:[5:32]:..three tables..all 1K/.5K blinds..and as/usual brung my 125K-max-buy-in to all three tables.."heads up" to briefly a 5 handed game..1st table..first two hands flopped four to a straight & four to a straight & turned 4 to a flush..zip both times..next hand a notorious any-two-carder/pot pusher arrived..yellow hat w/red logo..and to my left..ergo & oy vey..except for one cycle I acted him..only played two hands with him at the table..mid-second hand the "Grim Reaper" had excellent timing and booted me..2nd table..went on a hot streak..just small/blind/decent pots..but was catching..first hand flopped a set of Ladies..a couple hands later..turn a set of Ladies..and throughout the rest my stay on that table..won pots w/a flush/a full boat & a pair of bullets..a decent table..a bit of pot pushing and a couple of rounds of "My pair is bigger than Yours' is" between two of the "Ladies of Poker"..after 17 hands the "Grim Reaper" dragged me kicking and screaming from that table..during play at the first two tables..9 goes at slots & grabbed 1.5'K..and the Old Reaper got me mid spin on the 9th one..already had both missions so claimed them and off to 3rd table..observed the all to common fate of the player who goes all-in with a pocket Ace..lost the first hand but had the caller "covered"..preceded to go on "tilt" went all-in next hand and busted out..won five pots..all small/blind..twice w/high card..a pair & 2 pair..both board pairs..had an Ace kicker..big blind Seven/Two suited..a hand I would auto-fold..if not in the big blind..flopped a pair of twos..bottom pair..turned the set..decided to slow play..and danged if the river wasn't a Seven..Twos full of Sevens..just a 2.5 min-raise..got two calls..and a the best pot at that table..a couple of hands later the Grim One got me again..decided three and out..ergo...:[stats]: 25 minutes played..93 minutes of the "drop clock"..34 hands..11 pots..1 out of every 3+ hands played..left with an extra 7,825$ from the tables & another 1.5'K$..net:9,325$....
Day's End Poker:[19:41 UTC-4]:
Total Bank: 618.6'M / Net Gain Today: 1,263.3'K / Drops[6]&Roulette[2]: 1,254'K /
Tables[3]&Slots[9]: +9,325$ / Hands Played Today: 34 / Total Hands Played: 58,405 /
[[note:1]: 6 drops@44K & 2 roulette spins: 1@110K & 1 @880K]
[[note:2]: the 2nd roulette spin..was offered an ad. to watch..watched it..a very "quick spin" & hit "top of the mark"..no guess whether because of the ad. or a coincidence..??..]....
Blackjack 21:[07:27]:..a bit of a disconnect on my visit to the blackjack table this morning..first five hands 1 win/4 losses..next five a blackjack..three wins on dealer busts..& 1 loss..ergo..5 wins/5 losses..but because of the blackjack up 10$..all hands at a bet of 20$....
Day's End Blackjack 21:[20:31]: another off day on the roulette wheel 1@100$ & 1@500$.."Day's Net:" 2.01'KS & "Total Bank: now stands@989.13'K$....

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..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........