..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Thursday, January 31, 2019

(07:55 UTC-5)
   Normal start time....outside temperature +1*F....and a "feels like" of -14*....snow predicted by at the current temp. odds are it will be light snow....so off to another day of online gaming....I believe that the internet was created for days like today....well it's my story so I'm sticking to it....
   "Sat down" at what was a great table....well at least for awhile....very little pre-flop raising....and the only all-ins were post-river....had so nice pocket cards but the flop was cooperating....once I had suited cards....the flop gave me 4 to straight, 4 to a flush....&....4 to a straight flush....however the turn and river failed to cooperate....was getting down to the time for the 16+ mission banner to drop....and I was considering cutting my losses and exiting....in the hole I find a pair of Aces....I'm in the small blind....the rare all-in before....(oops forgot to mention 1000/500 blind table)....but all I needed to "cover" the raise was about 17'K....hadn't caught a hand....so....called....another small stack was in the pot as well....as it turned out....only needed the the Ace of Clubs....2 Clubs on the flop....and runner/runner on the turn and river....banner came and I decided to stay....only won 2 other pots....a blind pot & a small pot....but might still be there....but a pot-pushing....would-be-table-captain arrived and I was gone....table varied from 4 to 8 players....very fluid....ergo....25 minutes played....24 hands played....left with 32,670 I hadn't brought with me....and off to Blackjack 21....
    First 3 tries at a table....found me at a ghost table....was able to retreat with out placing a bet....finally got on a good table....number of players ranged from 2 to 4....and had the best run of cards I've had in a very long time....I think "Moby Dick" was still a minnow that last time....a little shmattah here and there....twice lost 20's to blackjacks....once an "other 21" to a blackjack....but you have to make good hands to lose to better hands....hand one klutz....had a tremor and bet 20$ rather the my usual 10$ ( I have "essential tremors"(link))....but the fates were kind and I made a blackjack....decided to extend....but the dealer showed signs of getting hot....ergo....20 minutes played....32 hands played....19 winners....4 blackjacks....2 other 21's....10 dealer busts....up 115$....
(18:22 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(On Facebook)
1) Fall Spades: 2 games played....{game 1}....14 hands..."we" 564 pts. + 14 bags (-100  pts.) + set twice + 2 nil bids, 1 made, a failed....vs...."they" 85 pts. + 5 bags + set four times....
2) Mahjong FRVR: 10 puzzles solved at the "normal level" including puzzle of the day....one other puzzle solved at the "casual level"....
3) Video Poker Live: Start Bank: 208.8 million chips....End of Day Bank: 231.8 million chips....
(On Just Solitaire)
1) Crescent: 4 games played....3 decent games and 1 that went nowhere....best game....102/104 w/ 7 completed foundation piles....
(On Just Solitaire)
1) Aces Up(relaxed) 1 out of 9 games played cleared....48/48....
2) Klondike(turn 1) 2 out of 9 games played cleared....52/52....
3) Tri-Peaks(hidden): 5 out of 9 games played cleared....52/52....
4) Josephine(relaxed) 9 out of 9 games played cleared....104/104....
(21:06 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 183.015'M / Net Gain Today: 557.67'K / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 515'K /
Table(1): +32,670$ / Hands Played Today: 24 / Total Hands Played: 23491 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 492,950$ / Net Gain Today: 3,515% / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 3,400$ /
Table(1) +115$ / Hands Played Today: 32 / Total Hands Played: 7,473 /

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

(06:09 UTC-5)
   Caught an early start this morning....+11*F...."feels like" -4*F....doesn't look like we got any new snow last night...just blew around a bit....forecast has changed....doesn't look like will get the predicted accumulation....but one thing I do know about the weather up here....you don'\t like the current weather....wait 15 minutes....it probably will change....
   The say the early bird gets the worm....well this morning there must have been an earlier bird....maybe a whole flock of them....so....took a "chair" at a 1000/500 blind table....a table that numbers were constantly changing....as few as 4....and as many as 7....a little pushing and shoving....an all-in from time to time....a couple of times pre-flop....but there were opportunities to make some hands and win some pots....but one major drawback to that plan....only made one hand the entire session....had a few that looked promising....and stayed in the play....but result did not fulfill promise....did "turn" a straight on one hand....decent pot....but as they say....that  was all she wrote....ergo....18 minutes played....18 hands played....left 13,800$ at the table (no slots)....and off to Blackjack 21....( but....the one pot I did win was over 10K....so 10K+ mission completed)....
  Took a "chair" at a table that varied between 2 and 3 players....that is if you didn't count the "ghost" at the table....the usual (for me) mix of cards....a large helping of shmattah....with a few good hands....but other than losing a 20 to a blackjack....which can drive me nuts....just a pretty typical day at the tables....ergo....10 minutes played....16 hands played....6 wins....2 blackjacks....1 push....3 dealer busts....down 10$....(noticed today that number of players is down to 55'K again....wonder if they count the "ghosts")
(16:38 UTC-5)
(Summery of Other Games Played Today)
(On Facebook)
1) Fall Spades: 4 games played....{1st Game}....7 hands played...."we" 512 pts. +12 bags (-100 pts.) + 1 nil bid made....vs...."they" 213 pts. + 3 bags + 1 nil bid made + set twice....{2nd Hand}....9 hands played...."we" 539 pts. + 9 bags + set once + 1 nil bid made....vs...."they" 366 pts. + 6 bags + set twice....{3rd game}....7 hands played...."we" 557 pts. + 7 bags + 1 nil bid made....vs...."they" 295 pts. + 5 bags + set once....(4th game}....6 hands played....."we" 555 pts. + 5 bags + 2 nil bids made....vs...."they" -73 pts. + 7 bags + set three times....
2) Mahjong FRVR: 7 puzzles solved including puzzle of the day....all puzzles played at the "normal level"
3) Video Poker Live: Start Bank: 196.1 million chips.....End of Day Bank: 208.8 million chips....
(On Just Solitaire)
1) Crescent: 4 games played....best game....88/104 w/ 3 completed foundation piles....
(On World of Solitaire)
1) Aces Up(relaxed): failed to clear any of the seven games played....
2) Klondike(turn 1): 2 of 7 games played cleared....52/52....
3) Josephine(relaxed): all 7 games played cleared....104/104....one game cleared on the 1st pass through the deck....
4) Tri-Peaks(hidden): 12 out of 20 games played cleared....52/52....
(NOTES:...Won my 2,000th game on "Fall Spades" today....Added Tri-Peaks(hidden) to the rotation....the difference between that and some forms of Tri-Peaks is that all non-playable cards are face down....only flipped face up when they become playable....
(20:00 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 182.457'M / Net Gain Today: 445.2'K / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 459'K /
Table(1): -13,800$ / Hands Played Today: 18 / Total Hands Played: 23,467 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 489,435$ / Net Gain Today: 3,090$ / Drops(8)&Roulette(1): 3,100$ /
Table(1): -10$ / Hands Played Today: 16 / Total Hands Played: 7,441 /

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

(06:41 UTC-5)
   Normal start time....got maybe a couple of inches of fresh snow....but the forecast over the next 3 days predicts snow fall could be as much as 3 feet....oy vey....and off to start the day of playing games online....
   After one failed attempt to take a "chair" at a 200/100 blind Poker table...."sat down" at a 1000/500 blind table....a table of 4 or 5 depending on the comings and goings....not a bad table....just some pot building....and a couple of all-ins after the river....but for the most part a decent table....3rd hand what did I find in my "pocket" but Anna Kounikova....the old Ace/King....good looking....but rarely wins....I have a long established "love/hate" relationship with that hand....I love to hate it....got me in trouble more times than not....this time however....danged if I didn't flop 2 pair....and a small pot....won a couple of blind pots....but just before the 16+ hands played banner appeared....a new player....who just had to raise every hand before the flop....only a minimum 1K....and he came in with a buy-in of maybe 40K max....just over the minimum....banner appeared....and I disappeared.....14 hands played (but the 16+ banner appeared....have no idea what the glitch is....and don't care....as long as the game gives me credit for completing the mission).....left 200$ at the table....but won 500$ from one winner out of three spins at the slots.....and off to Blackjack 21....
   Took 4 or 5 attempts to extricate myself from the "black hole"....a ghost table....so the math doesn't make any sense but here goes....when I finally got on a "live" table it was at table of 3 except for the last hand and then 4....pretty much my usual selection of hands....a few good hands and the rest shmattah....of the hit-able hands, only one was a "hit".....had an 11 and doubled to a 21....ergo....13 minutes played (10 minutes at the 2nd table)....20 hands played(?)....5 wins....1 blackjack (was a push when dealer made blackjack)....1 other 21....1 double....4 dealer bust....down 30$....
(17:30 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
( On Facebook)
1) Fall Spades: 5 games played....{1st game}....7 hands played...."we" 518  pts. + 8 bags + 1 nil bid made....vs...."they" 153 pts. + 3 bags + set twice....{2nd game}....12 hands played...."we" 547 pts. + 7 bags + 3 nil bids ( made 1, failed 2) + set once....."they" 241 pts. + 11 bags (-100 pts) + 1 failed nil bid + set twice....{3rd hand}.....7 hands played...."we" 545 pts. + 5 bags + 1 nil bid made....vs...."they" 276 pts. + 6 bags + set once....{4th game}....5 hands...."we" 526 pts. + 6 bags + 3 nil bids made....vs...."they" 195 pts. +5 bags + set once....{5th game}....8 hands played...."we" 556 pts. +16 bags (-100 pts.) + 2 nil bids made....vs...."they" 239 pts. + 9 bags + 1 nil bid made + set twice....
2) Mahjong FRVR: 15 games played....1 puzzle solved at the "casual level"....&....14 puzzles solved at the "normal  level" including puzzle of the day....
3) Video Poker Live: Start Bank: 179.9 million chips....End of Day Bank: 196.1 million chips....
(On Just Solitaire)
1) Crescent: only two games....one bust....&....102/104 w/ 7 completed foundation piles....
(On World of Solitaire)
1) Aces up(relaxed): 2 of 8 games played cleared....48/48....
2) Klondike(turn 1): 2 of 8 games played cleared....52/52....
3) Josephine(relaxed): 8 of 8 games played cleared....104/104....one game cleared with only I time through the deck....
(20:49 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 182.009'M / Net gain Today: 483.3'K / Drops(8)&Roulette(1): 483'K /
Table(1)&Slots(3): +300$ / Hands Played Today: 14 / Total Hands Played: 23,449 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 486,345$ / Net Gain Today: 3,370$ / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 3.400$ /
Table(1): -30$ / Hands Played Today: 20 / Total Hands Played: 7,425 /
   I've been playing more "Fall Spades" the last couple of days....at close of day today I was at 1,996 wins....and I want that 2,000th win....

Monday, January 28, 2019

(07:02 UTC-5)
    A normal start time in the 06:00 to 07:00 window....temperature outside was -1*F w/ a wind-chill of -16*F....might as well play some Poker and Blackjack (of course I would anyways....but what the hay)....my dad was fond of saying...."My mommy told me I'd have days like this....But not everyday!!"....
   Followed the usual routine....no luck getting a 200/100 blind table....but took a "chair" at a 1000/500 blind table....first hand pocket Ladies....and flopped trips....and then proceeded to lose a very nice pot to a runner, runner flush....although I did win a few pots along the way and enough to complete the 10K+ cash mission....never did dig myself out of the "hole" that dang flush put me in....had a few other decent hands....but got rivered so many times I thought I might drown....guess it just wasn't my day....and was a decent table....no real pot pushing....a few all-ins....usually after the turn, or river....and caught some decent cards....and hit a few flops....I guess that "Old Man River" just had it in for me today....ergo....played about 20 minutes....18 hands played....on average a 5 or 6 player table....left 24,500$ at the table (no slots played)....but both 16+ & 10K+ in-tow....and off to Blackjack 21....
   Took my "chair" at a pretty stable table of 3 or 4 players....but my "luck" (or lack of there of) from Poker followed me to the Blackjack 21 table....played 6 minutes before I won a hand....one early hand was dealt 2 Aces....split....20 & 16....dealer showing a 6....made a 20....nuts....and 7 minutes before a dealer bust....but my "luck" changed a little....and did manage to dig myself at least partially out of the "hole" I found myself in....ergo....10 minutes played....15 hands played....6 wins....1 blackjack....1 split....2 dealer busts....down 15$....
(18:33 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(On Facebook)
1) Fall Spades: 3 games played....{1st game}....7 hands played...."we" 617 pts. + 7 bags + 2 nil bids made....vs...."they" 304 + 4 bags + set once....{2nd game}....8 hands played....537 pts. + 7 bags + 3 nil bids (2 made, 1 failed)....vs...."they" 108 pts. + 8 bags + set twice....{3rd game}....9 hands played...."we" 542 pts. + 12 bags (-100 pts) + set once + 1 nil bid made....vs...."they" 85 pts. + 5 bags + set 3 times....
2) Video Poker Live: Start Bank: 161.9 million chips....End of Day Bank: 179.9 million chips....
3) Mahjong FRVR: 11 puzzles solved including puzzle of the day....all at the "normal level".....
(On Just Solitaire)
1) Crescent: 5 games played....best game....98/104 w/ 6 completed foundation piles....
(On World of Solitaire)
1) Aces up(relaxed): 1 out of 7 games played cleared....48/48....
2) Klondike(turn 1): 4 out of 7 games played cleared....52/52....
3) Josephine(relaxed): 7 out of 7 games played cleared....104/104....one game cleared with only one time through the deck....
(20:39 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 181.525'M / Net Gain Today: 584.5'K / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 609'K /
Table(1): -24,500$ / Hands Played Today: 18 / Total Hands Played: 23,4335 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 482,975$ / Net Gain Today: 3,085$ / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 3,100$ /
Table(1): -15$ / Hands Played Today: 15 / Total hands played: 7,405 /

Sunday, January 27, 2019

(06:49 UTC-5)
    Up at the usual time....probably because my body's internal clock is still set on "work" time....dang....I've been retired for over 10 years....you'd think my body would have got the memo....+24*F this morning  with a "feels like" of +10*F....some light snow overnight and  predicted to continue through out the day....got maybe 2 or 3 inches overnight....which of course was added to the 3 feet of snow we got overnight yesterday....no walk for me today....so off to find a Poker table....
   No "chair" for me at a 200/100 blind table (again)....I'm not sure why I still try....could be because I'm a stubborn, ornery, old cuss....but took my "seat" at a 1000/500 blind table....and what a table....players at table varied from a high of 7 players to a low of 3 and then back up to 7.....and seemed like it was changing nearly ever hand....early a bunch of pot pushing....some all-ins....even a couple of raids by the kamikaze....all which ended up with 3 players left....and an attempt at one player trying to assuming the role of table captain....but myself and the other player just folded and after 3 or 4 hands he got the "message"....a brief lull....won a small pot w/ 2 pair (one was a board pair)....and another small pot when I built a house....a weird one 2's over 9's....but a house none the less....and wouldn't have played my pocket 9/2 but was in the big blind and got to see the flop on a check....would have  stayed but some new blood brought a pot pusher with them....ergo....17 hands played....left with 2,375$ I hadn't brought with me (400$ of that was from 2/5 at the slots) and off to Blackjack 21....
   "Sat down" to play some Blackjack 21....a table of 2 players and 2 ghosts....and it remained so until the last 2 hands when another "live" player arrived....actually a pretty eclectic mix of cards....from the sublime to the shmattah....ergo....11 minutes played....18 hands played....8 wins....2 blackjacks....2 other 21's....4 dealer busts....nothing lost....nothing gain....left with what I brought....
(17:49 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(On Facebook)
1) Fall Spades: 3 games played....(1st game)....7 hands played...."we" 525 pts. + 5 bags + 1 nil bid made....vs...."they" 350 pts. + 10 bags (-100 pts.) + 1 nil bid made....(2nd game)....4 hands played...."we" 534 pts. + 4 bags + 3 nil bids made....115 pts. + 5 bags + set once....(3rd game)....12 hands played...."we" 528 pts. + 18 bags(-100 pts) + 1 failed nil....vs...."they" 394 pts. + 4 bags + set twice + 2 nil bids made....
2) Mahjong FRVR: 10 puzzles solved at the "normal level" including puzzle of the day....
3) Video Poker Live: Start Bank: 149.7 million chips....End of Day Bank: 161.9 million chips....
( On Just Solitaire)
1) Crescent: 5 games played....only decent one to follow....91/104 w/ 4 foundation piles completed....
(On World of Solitaire)
1) Aces Up(relaxed): none of the 5 games played cleared....best game....45/48....
2) Klondike(turn 1): 2 of 5 games played cleared....52/52....
3) Josephine(relaxed): 4 of 5 games played cleared....104/104....one game cleared on first turn though the deck....lost game....both 2's of Clubs....at the bottom of tableau piles....by the time I got them cleared it was too late to save the game....
(20:23 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 180.941'M / Net Gain Today: 485'K / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 483'K /
Table(1)&Slots(5): +2,375$ / Hands Played Today: 17 / Total Hands Played: 23,417 /
(Day'd End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 479,890$ / Net Gain Today: 3,600& / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 3,600$ /
Table(1): 0$ / Hands Played Today: 18 / Total Hands Played: 7,390 /

Saturday, January 26, 2019

(06:45 UTC -5)
   A tad early start time this morning....+13*F...."feels like" +3*F....got at least 6" of snow overnight....still snowing....and they've extended the "lake  effect snow" warning from 10 AM this morning until 4 PM....rats....
   Failed in my first attempts to get a "seat" at a Poker table.....tried 200/100....the 1000/500....&....2K/1K....no dice....took drops on Blackjack 21 and Video Poker live....and back....still couldn't get a "chair" at either of the "lower" blind tables....but did find a chair....at a 2K/1K table of 4 players....with only 4 players at the table your in the blinds 50% of the time....weird table....couldn't get a fix on it....sporadic pre-flop raising, sometimes post flop pot building/pushing....and some hands just check(s)....did win a blind pot...and a small pot....rivered a flush....the other 2 pair....16+ hands played mission banner appeared and I was gone....already had the 10K+ mission in hand....left 8,250 at the table....dang blinds....(no slots)....and off to find a "chair to play some Blackjack 21....
   So I took my place at a Blackjack 21 table and what do I find but 2 ghosts and me....played 1 hands and beat a haste retreat....lost the one hand I played....and off to another table....his time a 2  or 3 player table although I did play one hand "heads up".....of the 20 hands actually played....6 decent hands (18's or better) and as for the rest pure shamattah....10 minutes played (?)....22 hands played (2 tables....2 hands in progress)....9 wins....1 blackjack....1 other 21....5 dealer busts....down 15$....
(11:14 UTC -5)
(Just a  few random thoughts)
1) Poker....have no real idea of what the problem is for the difficulty of access to a table....by posted number of players....numbers don't seem to have increased significantly....???...
2) Video Poker Live:....have come up with an interesting tactic....which so for seems to work...have no intention of playing a whole lot....I enjoy the game....but than I enjoy the other games I play....but everyday the "BigWin Bonus" resets (at this point right around 14:35 local time)....I'm playing Jacks or better....a "BigWin" is defined as a straight or better....before the reset I just collect the hourly chips....once the re-set happen....I play until I get at least 3 "BigWins"....bonus is 1 million chips....and usually continue to play until the current table prize pool is completed....play time varies....yesterday I had my 3 "BigWins" in the first 6 hands I played....
(18:14 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(On Facebook)
1) Fall Spades: 3 games played....(1st game)....9 hands played...."we" 569 + 9 + 2 nil bids 1 made 1 failed....vs...."they" -45 pts. + 5 bags + 1 nil bid failed + set 4 times....{2nd game}....8 hands played...."we" 525 pts. + 5 bags + 1 nil bid made....vs...."they"....215 pts. + 5 bags + set twice....{3rd game}....6 hands played...."we" 506 + 6 bags + 12 nil bids made....vs...."they" 384 pts + 4 bags....
2) Mahjong FRVR: 6 puzzles solved including the puzzle of the day at the "normal level"....1 puzzle solved at the "challenging level"....&....3 puzzles solved at the "casual level"....
3) Video Poker Live: Start Bank: 135.4 million chips....Day's End Bank: 149.7 million chips....
(On Just Solitaire)
1) Crescent) the drought of good games continue....the best of 3 hands....80/104 w/ 3 completed foundation piles....
(On World of Solitaire)
1) Aces Up(relaxed): 1 of 6 games played cleared....48/48....
2) Klondike(turn 1): failed to cleat any of the 6 games played....
3) Josephine(relaxed: 6 out of 6 games played cleared....102/102....
(23:50 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 180.456'M / Net Gain Today: 1,798'K / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 1,806'K /
Table(1): -8.250'K / Hands Played Today: 16 / Total Hands Played: 23,400 /
(Days End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 476,090$ / Net Gain Today: 1,685$ / Drops(7)&Roulette(1): 1,700$ /
Table(1): -15$ / Hands Played Today: 22/ Total Hands Played: 7,372 /
(Note: On Poker Drops/Roulette....obviously I hit the high number on Roulette (840'K) twice today)

Friday, January 25, 2019

(07:16 UTC-5)
   Normal start time....+27*F....windy this morning (20 mph)....and despite being under a "lake effect snow" warning until 10:00....all  we've got so far is a dusting....and off to Poker....
   Decided to "climb the ladder" as it were.....no joy at 200/100  blind table....but got a "chair" at a  1K/.5K table....a short table....a couple of hands 3 players...a couple of hands 5  players....but for the most part a table of 4....and for the most part no pre-flop raises....and very few big pots....most hands were won by a pair and a "kicker" or two pair....and the blinds came fast....2 hands in the blinds....1 hand on the button....didn't have the best selection of hole cards most of  the time but with the fact that there were almost no pre-flop raises played more hands than/usual....won some blind pots....and a couple of small pots....but no big pots....mostly on a pair or two....but did river a flush....and a straight....couple of times I saw a player fold from the "big blind" when they could have seen the flop for a check (no pre-flop raises)....dang I'll play any two cards if I can for a check....twice on a check from the big blind I've hit great hands....both on a 7/2 un-suited....flopped a "house" and "quads"....anyways....&....ergo....23 minutes played....33 hands played (hands come fast on  a short table)....down 50$ (and so do the blinds)....both 16+ & 10K+ missions completed....and off to Blackjack 21....
   Took my place at a table which with few exceptions was a table of 3....had a better run of cards than/usual....but the dealer was flipping and hitting pretty good as well....had 6 hit-able hands....11's or less and a couple of "soft hands".....made 3 good hands out of 6 hits....better than average for me....that's the good news....the bad news is twice lost 20's to dealer's 3 card 21....& once lost a 3 card 21 to a dealer blackjack....(sigh)....ergo....10 minutes played....15 hands played....6 wins....1 blackjack....2 other 21's....down 15$....
(11:30 UTC-5)
   Decided to walk up the steps to the chopping block a 2nd time today (aka: Blackjack 21)....first hand just me....by the 3rd hand 4 players at the table....10 differnt number of players at the table....at one point a player I've seen a lot....now a level 12 w/ 68'K+ hands played....dealt 2 Aces (2 players at the table) and hit both for blackjacks....ergo....14 hands played....6 wins....2 blackjacks....3 dealer busts....down 20$....But I'm a little farmisht....won 6 lost 8....never doubled....so that in itself confirms the -20 loss....but then what happened to the extra 10$ I should have won from the 2 blackjacks....???....maybe one of the "ghosts" carried it off....???....
(18:46 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(On Facebook)
1) Fall Spades: 3 games played....{1st game}....9 hands played...."we" 522 pts. + 14 bags (-100 pts.) + 1 nil bid made....vs...."they" 329 pts. + 9 bags + set once....(2nd game)....7 hands played...."we" 579 + 9 bags + 2 nil bids made....vs...."they" 257 pts. + 7 bags + set once....(3rd game)....8 hands played....( game included an over bid hand of 15 bids...."we" made our bid...."they" set )....."we" 559 pts + 9 bags....vs....."they" 23 pts. + 3 bags + set 3 times....
2) Mahjong FRVR: 2 puzzles solved at the casual level including puzzle of the day....6 puzzles solved at the normal level....
3) Video Poker Live: Start Bank: 123.4 million chips....End Bank: 135.4 million chips....
(On Just Solitaire)
1) Crescent: 5 games played....the best of a bunch of mediocre games....80/104 w/ 1 completed foundation pile
(On World of Solitaire)
1) Aces Up(relaxed): none of the 6 games played cleared....best game....45/48....
2) Klondike(turn 1): 3 out of the 6 games played cleared....52/52....
3) Josephine(relaxed): 6 out of the 6 games played cleared....104/104....
(21:02 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 178.658'M / Net Gain Today: 219.95'K / Drops(7)&Roulette(1): 220'K /
Table(1): -50$ / Hands Played Today: 33 / Total Hands Played: 23,384 /
(Day's End Blackjack)
Total Bank: 474,405$ / Net Gain Today: 4,665$ / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 4,700$ /
Tables(2): -35$ / Hands Played Today: 29 / Total Hands Played: 7,350 / 

Thursday, January 24, 2019

(06:49 UTC-5)
   Awoke at a pretty normal time....weather....+41*F & raining....weird Winter this....and preceded with the morning ritual of logging on an playing Poker and Blackjack 21....
   I'm not sure whether the problem is systemic or my name has been put in the "little black book" and have been banned for past sins but anyways....Tried to take a "chair" at a Poker 200/100 blind table....no joy....but yesterday was the first time in over 3 weeks I had got a "chair" there....so figured no big deal....tried several times for a 1000/500 blind table....again no joy....even took a shot at a 2K/1K table same result....????....so off to Blackjack 21....
   Well at least I got a "seat" at a table there....table was fluid but for the most part a table of 4 players....and nary a "ghost" insight....a better run of cards then yesterday....and a dealer that wasn't as "hot" as yesterday....ergo....11 minutes played....14 hands played....7 wins....4 dealer busts....up 10$....and back to Poker to see if I can "find a game".....
   So I went back to  Poker....no joy on a 200/100 blind table....same deal at 1000/500 blind table....and then got a "chair" at a 2K/1K blind table....used to play on the 2K/1K tables a lot....but not in quite awhile....a good table....a big stack....and me with a 250'K buy-in....2 or 3 players under 100K (varied from time to time)....won the first two pots right out of the gates....a small pot....which is a relative term....more than enough to complete the 10K+ mission....and a blind pot....of course at that table a 4 player blind pot is 8'K.....won several other pots....all blind or small pots....a couple on a high pair....once with 2 pair....and then there was a straight....a flush....and I built one "house"....the big stack left at one point and the honor fell on me....I did chase a little....played a few more hands than/usual....ergo....22 minutes played....27 hands played....Up 34,700$ (which includes 500$ from a 1/7 side-trip to the slots....)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
1) Fall Spades: 2 games played....{1st game}....8 hands played...."we" 535 pts. + 5 bags + set once + 1 nil bid made....vs...."they" 125 pts. + 5 bags + set 3 times....{2nd game}....9 hands played...."we" 579 pts. + 9 bags....vs...."they" -125 pts. + 5 bags + set 4 times....
2) Mahjong FRVR: 5 puzzles cleared including puzzle of the day....all at the "normal level"....
3) Video Poker Live: Start Bank: 106.8 million chips....Day's End Bank: 123.4 million chips....
(Just Solitaire)
1) Crescent: 5 games played....best game(?)....83/104 w/ 3 completed foundation piles
(World of Solitaire)
1) Aces Up(relaxed): failed to clear any of the 10 games played....
2) Klondike(turn 1): 4 out of the 10 games played cleared....52/52
3) Josephine(relaxed): 9 out of the 10 games played cleared....104/104....one game cleared on the first time through the deck....

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

(06:44 UTC-5)
   I usual start play between 06:00 & 07:00..... today just a  few minutes early....+27*F this morning....forecast is for freezing rain....changing to rain through tomorrow morning....then changing to snow....very strange and weird the weather has been of late....off to a Poker table...
   To my great surprise got on a 200/100 blind table....first time  in over 3 weeks....took a "chair" at a table of 8....and with a couple of ins and out remained a table of 8 throughout....can't remember the last time I've played on a full or nearly full table....and like it....mostly just some pot building....except for one player....who either folded or made a substantial pre-flop raise....and if he didn't raise pre-flop....you knew when he hit the flop....big raise....didn't catch a lot of good hands....but the flop and especially the "turn" was nice to me 3 times....twice made trips on the "turn"....once 4 to a straight on the flop....and the 5th card on the turn (actually I prefer calling the "turn" by the older term "4th Street"....but that's just me)....some all-ins but no sign of a true kamikaze....I had to go nearly all-in to "protect" the straight....ergo....22 minutes played....and "walked" away with 33,729$ I hadn't brought with me....(no slots)....guess I'll continue to take one "shot" at getting a "chair" at a 200/100 blind table every morning....if I see what I like I'll stay....if not then move up....off to Blackjack 21....
   Took my "seat" for some Blackjack 21 at what was a very stable table....except for a hand or 2 was a table of 4....now I don't know what I did in a past life....or if the fates were angry....or my karma caught up with me....but the worst session of blackjack I've ever had was in store for me....stats say I played 12 hands....but that counts the hand in progress when you take your "seat"....so 11 hands looking for a good hand....11 straight hands with nothing but shmattah (all hands 12's to 17's)....add to that...nary a dealer bust....10 minutes played....11 hands played....10$ bet every hand....ergo....down 110$....I guess it proves the statement I've made before...."Blackjack just ain't my game"....
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(Facebook Games)
1) Fall Spades: 2 games played....{1st game)....9 hands played...."we" 500 pts. + 10 bags (-100 pts.) + 2 nil bids made + set once....vs...."they" 107 pts. + 7 bags + set 3 times....{2nd game}....9 hands played...."we" 542 pts....17 bags (-100 pts.) + 2 nil bids made....vs...."they" 295 pts. + 5 bags + set 3 times + 1 nil bid made....
2) Mahjong FRVR: 7 puzzles solved including puzzle of the day....all at the casual level....
3) Video Poker Live: Start Bank: 93.3 million chips....Day's End Bank: 108.6 million chips....
(Just Solitaire Games)
1) Crescent: 4 out of 5 games played were decent games....best game....93/104 w/ 6 completed foundation piles....
(World of Solitaire Games)
1) Aces Up(relaxed): failed to clear any of the 8 games played....
2) Klondike(turn 1): 3 out of 8 games played cleared....52/52....
3) Josephine(relaxed): 8 out of 8 games played cleared....104/104....
(20:49 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 177.951'M / Net Gain Today: 327.7'K / Drops(7)Roulette(1): 294'K /
Table(1): +33,729$ / Hands Played Today: 16 / Total Hands Played: 23,330 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 468,230$ / Net Gain Today: 1,690$ / Drops(7)Roulette(1): 1,800 /
Table(1): -110$ / Hands Played Today: 12 / Total Hands Played: 7,307 /

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

(07:23 UTC)
   Normal start time....outside temperature at present....-15*F....wind-chill -30*F....(or if you prefer the PC "feels-like")....7 mph winds.....and off to Poker and Blackjack 21....with notable but brief exceptions....the tables were was "cold" as the weather outside my rooms....
   Took a "chair" at a 1000/500 blind Poker table....and for a moment thought I might be watching Monday Night Raw on the USA Network....a over the top battle royal....pre-flop all-ins....or huge bets....2 big stacks flexing their "muscles".....one finally left....and in the brief lull....I was twice visited by 3 Kings....won a blind pot....raised but no takers....and a smallish pot....but enough to see the 10K+ mission banner make it's appearance....and after the all to brief lull....a small stack player arrive....came in with about 40K....and every hand a 2.5K raise pre-flop....2.5 times the big blind....I wonder who's poker book he'd been reading....but I knew I was getting close to the 16+ hands played banner....and my hole cards were shmattah....would have giving it  go if I hand decent pocket cards....but didn't....16+ banner came, and I left....thanx to the 3 Kings ( the tune of that Christmas carol will probably be stuck in my head all day) with 8,250$ I did bring with me....( no slots) and off to Blackjack 21....
   Took my place at a Blackjack 21 table....and for the first half dozen hands or so was catching good cards....and then the shmattah returned in force....with the exception of a blackjack a few hands before I left....the dealer for better than half the time was vulnerable....although the wasn't busting....he was making a bunch of 17's and 18's....except for a few times I just wasn't making decent hands....ergo....10 minutes played....mostly a table of 3....briefly 2 or 4....17 hands played....4 wins....2 blackjacks....1 other 21....1 push....1 dealer bust (on one of mt blackjacks)....down 60$....when I checked my stat page after play....my wins total stood at 3000....a win percentage of just over 41%....as we used to say back in the day (that would be high school in the 60's) NTG (not to good)....
(19:07 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
1) Fall Spades: 1 game Played....9 hands played...."we" 567 pts. + 7 bags + set once + 1 nil bid made....vs "they" 399 pts. + 9 bags + set once + 1 nil bid made....
2) Mahjong FRVR: puzzle of the day solved at the "normal level"....4 other puzzles solved at the "casual level"....
3) Video Poker Live: Start Bank:79.9 million chips....End of Day Bank: 93.3 million chips....
(World of Solitaire)
1) Aces Up(relaxed): 1 out of 10 games played cleared....48/48....
2) Klondike(turn 1): 3 out of 10 games played cleared....52/52....
3) Josephine(relaxed: 10 out of 10 games played cleared....104/104....
(Just Solitaire)
1) Crescent: 5 games played....best game....87/104 with 5 completed foundation piles....
(20:59 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 177.623'M / Net Gain Today: 1,142'K / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 1,134'K /
Table(1): +8,250$ / Hands Played Today: 15 / Total Hands Played: 23,314 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 466,540$ / Net Gain Today: 3,240$ / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 3,300$ /
Table(1): -60$ / Hands Played Today: 17 / Total Hands Played: 7,295 /

Monday, January 21, 2019

(07:18 UTC-5)
   Start time a little on the early side this morning.....conditions outside....temperature is -10*F....w/ wind-chill -27*F....winds 8 mph....not a good day for a walk....but a great day for some online gaming
   Another failed attempt at a 200/100 blind table....I have resigned myself to the fact that I must play at the higher tables....of course with the absence of the 200/100 blind table....the 1000/500 blind table is the "lowest table....anyways....took  a "chair" at a 1000/500 blind table....and except for a couple of last gasps all-ins pre-flop....a good table....a couple of incidents of pot pushing....but on the whole just to friendly pot building....on the one pre-flop all-in....I was in the big blind w/ pocket Kings....had the player covered....but....have done it before and got the pockets cracked....folded....and dang it all....the 3 King came on the flop....oh well....did win a couple of decent pots....on two pair and a flush....must have been distracted when the 16+ hands played banner appeared so played 20 minutes just too be on the safe side....ergo....23 hands played....average number of players 5....up 5,087$....which includes a rather dismal turn at the slots....1/11 and 600$....and then off to Blackjack 21....
   Took my "seat" at a Blackjack 21 table....and again the table was haunted ( another "ghost" player....never bets....never leaves)....but the clock for betting for the ghost still runs....so the presence of one does slow play a little....not really a bad thing....players at table on average was 3....and the ghost....10 minutes played....the usual mix of the good and the shmattah as far as hands good....the good news is although the dealer didn't bust much....he did make a few 17's....10 minutes played....13 hands....4 wins....3 pushes....2 dealer busts....down 10$....
(18:20 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(Facebook Games)
1) Fall Spades: 1 game played....9 hands played...."we" 528 pts. + 8 bags + set once + 2 nil  bids made....vs...."they" 189 pts. + 9 bags + set three times + 1 failed nil bid....
2) Mahjong FRVR: only puzzle of the day solved at the "casual level"....
3) Video Poker Live: Start Bank: 68 million chips....End of Day Bank: 79.9 million chips....
(Just Solitaire)
1) Crescent: 3 games played.....best game....97/104 w/ 6 completed foundation piles....
(World of Solitaire Games)
1) Aces Up(relaxed): failed to clear the only 2 games played....
2) Klondike(turn 1): 1 out of 2 games played cleared....
3) Josephine(relaxed): 17 out of 17 games played cleared....
(Current Grand Totals for World of Solitaire Games as/of 15:03/1-21-19/)
   1) Aces Up(relaxed): 34 wins out of 562 games played....winning %....6.06%....
   2) Klondike(Turn 1): 246 wins out of 562 games played....winning %....43,85%....
   3) Josephine(relaxed) 545 wins out of 562 games played....winning %....97.15%....
   (Total) 825 wins out of 1683 games played....winning %....49.02%....
(20:15 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 176.481'M / Net Gain Today: 383'K / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 378'K /
Table(1): +5,087$ / Hands Played Today: 23 / Total Hands Played: 23,298 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 463,300$ / Net Gain Today: 3,390$ / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 3,400 /
Table(1): -10$ / Hands Played Today: 13 hands / Total Hands Played: 7,278 /

Sunday, January 20, 2019

(07:14 UTC)
   Awoke this AM with a cold....lovely who ordered that....looked at the conditions outside....-4*F....wind-chill of -26*F....w/ 17 mph winds....with light snow predicted....guess I'll spend the day online....of course I probably would have anyways....but today I have an excuse....normal start time....
   And off in search of a "chair" at a Poker table....1000/500 blind table....would have been a decent table....except for the re-occurring visits from different kamikaze....the only decent hands I got....I was running to a bomb shelter (in other words....I folded)....I refuse to play that style....yeah  I know the money ain't real....but it's just not in my nature to play that way....played chess and miniature war-games for years (mostly WWII, ACW, Napoleonic Wars ( we always called them "Naps"))....I was know as a defensive player....guess it's just in my genes....same at Poker....in one blind pot....my 2 pair got rivered by trips....ergo....down 11'K....but 16+ mission in hand....and off to Blackjack 21....
   "Sat down" to play some Blackjack 21 at a table of 3 (no ghosts insight)....one hand....and I'm at a table of one....one hand....a table of 3 for a couple of hands....and a table of one again....one hand and then a 2/3 player table there after....actually had a reasonable run of cards....a decent mix of the good and the shmattah....but so did the dealer....ergo....10 minutes played....16 hands played....8 wins....1 blackjack....5 dealer pushes....up 5$....
   Took my morning drop of chips on Repay Poker....one of these days when there's a seat at an "Omaha" table me thinks I'll take a "chair".....
(18:49 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(Facebook Games)
1) Fall Spades: one game played....8 hands played...."we" 522 pts. + 12 bags (-100 pts.) + 2 nil bids made....vs...."they" -125 pts. + 5 bags + set 5 times....
2) Mahjong FRVR: puzzle of the day plus one other solved at the "casual level....&....one puzzle solved at the "normal level"....
3) Video Poker Live: Up 17 million chips over yesterdays end of day....51 million....close of today stands at 68 million chips....
(Just Solitaire)
1) Crescent: 4 total games....best two....both games....102/104 w/ 7 foundation piles completed....
(World of Solitaire Games)
1) Klondike(turn 1): 3 out of 7 games played cleared....52/52....
2) Aces Up(relaxed): 1 out of 10 games cleared....48/48....
3) Josephine(relaxed) 16 out of 18 games cleared....104/104.....caught  three ugly lay of the cards....managed to save one....but failed on the other two....was able to win 2 out of the 16 winners.....which only one time through the deck....
(21:30 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 176.098'M / Net Gain Today: 430'K / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 441'K /
Table(1): -11,000$ / Hands Played Today: 16 / Total Hands Played: 23,276 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 459,510$ / Net Gain Today: 4,905$ / Drops(7)&Roulette(2) 4,900$ /
Table(1): +5$ / Hands Played Today: 16 / Total Hands Played: 7,265 /
   Took a Roulette spin on both Poker and Blackjack 21 last night after I had closed the "books" on the day....and added them to today's totals....don't do it every night when it's convenient....aka: not to late....may take a drop on Blackjack 21 tonight....but because of the difference in the timing....next Poker drop will come to late....sometimes if I awoke in the middle of the night I'll take a drop on either or both....
(Postscript II)
   I have been playing more time on "World of Solitaire" for a couple of reasons....that site offers (relaxed) games....and also a copy of Klondike(turn 1)....always preferred that over the normal (turn 3) game....also because they have an extensive "stats" section....and as anyone knows who reads this could tell you I love me some good stats....that being said....I'm thinking about from time to time adding a few more games from "Just Solitaire" as well....

Saturday, January 19, 2019

(05:55 UTC)
   A windy cold day here....+1*F....-18*F w/wind-chill....and an early start....didn't sleep well....but off to the morning sessions of Poker and Blackjack 21.....
   Usually on a Saturday when you take your "chair" it's at a full or nearly full table....but today only a table of 3 (including me)....maybe partially because of the early start....but that usually isn't true....and sat down at a brawl ( major pot pushing ) between the other 2 players....but on a short table....the blinds just keep coming....the brawl escalated into a few rounds of pre-flop all-ins....then a table of 2...then 3....never more than 5 at the table....but the blinds....because of that played more hands then usual....got rivered a couple of times....and despite leaving with less than I brought to the table....did manage to leave with the 10K+ cash mission (that's based on "gross" not "net") & the 16+ hands mission....ergo....13 minutes played....18 hands played....down 6,875$ (1000/500 blind table)....had 7 slot spins....that went un-used....considering the short table....and the speed of play....just didn't have the time....and off to Blackjack 21....
   I'm not completely sure whether or not I took a "chair " at a Blackjack 21 table or went down the proverbial "rabbit hole"....looked like a table of 3....but one was a "ghost"....normally the ghosts are mere silhouettes of a man or a woman (dang I'm going to have that Queen song stuck in my head all day)....but this time it was of a player....a good player....I've seen before....make me  wonder whether my avatar is stuck somewhere in the matrix....but most of the time there was another "warm" body there....made several attempts to leave....but kept going back to the same table....can't believe that was the only table....all hands were either 2 players or head to head....ergo....10 minutes played ( but with all the attempts to leave hard to say actual time played)....credited with 17 hands played (but the "math says" only 13)....1 push....4 dealer busts....down 20$....but up on the frustration meter....
(17:41 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(Facebook Games)
1) Fall Spades: 2 games played....{1st game)....11 hands played...."we" 507 pts. + 17 bags (-100 pts.) + set once + 2 nil bids made....vs...."they" 387 pts. + 7 bags + set twice....{2nd game}....14 hands played....a wild one...."we" 556 pts. + 16 bags (-100 pts) + set twice....vs...."they" 250 pts. + 10 bags (-100 pts.) + 1 nil bid made + set three times....
2) Mahjong FRVR: only puzzle of the day solved at the "casual level"
3) Video Poker Live: Start Bank: 42 million chips....End Bank: 51 million chips....played a few more hands than yesterday....made some nice hands....
(World Of Solitaire Games)
1) Klondike(turn 1): 2 of 5 games played cleared....52/52....
2) Aces Up(relaxed): failed to clear all 5 games played....
3) Josephine(relaxed): 28 of 30 games cleared....104/104....5 of the clears were done  with only one time through the deck....
(19:44 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank:175.668'M / Net Gain Today: 308'K / Drops(8)&Roulette(1): 315'K /
Table(1): -6,825$ / Hands Played Today: 18 / Total Hands Played: 23,260 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 455,005$ / Net Gain Today: 1,780$ / Drops(8)&Roulette(1): 1,800$ /
Table(1): -20$ / Hands Played Today: 17 / Total hands Played: 7,249 /

Friday, January 18, 2019

(07:05 UTC-5)
   Typical start time this morning....I punched a time clock for many years....I guess it's a hard habit to brake....typical Winter day here....maybe a little snow....and off to Poker....not a bad table....mostly pot building....once in awhile some pot pushing....but not a bad table all things considered....won a decent pot and a blind pot....but there were to nice pots that "got away"....based solely based on my style of play....both time....in the blinds....once I had unsuited connectors....the other time unsuited Five/Nine....and both times got one card to complete the straight on the flop....just a pot building raise both times....and I folded....dang if there didn't come....runner/runner on the the turn and river....for the straight....This online game of Poker is one of the best of the "free" sites online....but with the fact that they're "free sites" they all lack one element of the game....the money ain't real....most players have adapted to difference....and I haven't....oh well....but I like the game anyways....and do occasionally chase....just not today....ah....the pot I won....pocket cards Two/Three....suited....in the small blind....no pre-flop raise....but would have called anything but a huge bet....danged if the flop didn't come Four/Five/Six....smooth check....and checks around the table....made a couple of pot building raises....got a couple of calls....and a decent pot....I know I need to loosen up a little....but....ergo....21 minutes played....fluid table at any given hand as few as 3 and as many as 8 players....up 75$....but more importantly....16+ & 10K+ missions in hand....and off to Blackjack 21....
   I apparently took a "chair" at a "table" were the "dish" of the day was shmattah....out of 18 hands I actually played....4 were 19 or better....every other hand 12 to 16....oy vey....&....ergo....credited with 19 hands played (game counts the hand in progress when you arrive)....most of the time a table of 3....7 wins....1 blackjack....1 other 21....6 dealer busts....down 35$....
(18:45 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(Facebook Games)
1) Fall Spades: 2 games played....{1st game}....7 hands played...."we" 599 pts. + 9 bags + 2 nil bids made....vs...."they" 183 pts. + 3 bags + set twice....{2nd game}....a wild one featuring among other things an over bid of 14....12 hands played...."we" 512 pts. + 12 bags (-100 pts) + set once + 1 nil bid made....vs...."they" 400 pts. + 10 bags (-100 pts) + set twice + 1 nil bid made....
2) Mahjong FRVR: only puzzle of the day cleared at the "casual level"....
3) Video Poker Live: up 7'M....to 42'M....mostly on hourly drops....played very few hands....
(Word of Solitaire Games)
1) Klondike(turn 1): cleared only game played to day....52/52....
2) Aces Up(relaxed): failed to clear only game played today....
3) Josephine(relaxed): 18 of 18 games cleared....102/102....but only one game cleared on the first turn through the deck....last game I played....just a tough run of cards....
(Just Solitaire)
1) Crescent: 4 games played....best 2....92/104 w/ 6 completed foundation piles....&....94/104 w/ 6 completed foundation piles....
(20:51 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank:`175.360'M / Net Gain Today: 1,963'K / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 1,963'K /
Table(1): +75$ / Hands Played Today: 25 / Total Hands Played: 23,242 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 453,225$ / Net Gain Today: 1,665$ / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 1,700$ /
Table(1): -35$ / hands Played Today: 19 / Total Hands Played: 7,232 /

Thursday, January 17, 2019

(08:00 UTC-5)
   A bit of a late start this morning....looked at the outdoor temperature....-5*F....-17*F wind-chill....didn't even try to find a 200/100 blind table....have resigned myself to play at a 1000/500 blind table....although I prefer to play "low-ball" Poker....which can be difficult at the higher buy-in tables....unless you catch the right table....which this morning I didn't....so that being said....as I took my "chair"....it took me only two hands to figure out there was a "school yard bully" at the table....not the biggest stack at the table....but had to pick a fight at the drop of a hat....aka any two pocket cards....he went bust but came right back with 125K buy-in....obviously auto-buy....(I guess I had caught only the last few bouts  when I arrived)....player preceded with the same style of play....and busted out again....during a brief time out....lost two pair to a river flush....my hole cards except for 2 or 3 times were as cold as the weather....for most of play there were 5 to 7 players at table....last couple of hands....just 3....last hand caught an Ace/King....unsuited....flop paired the Ace....and there was a board pair....won a nice pot....ergo....18 minutes played....16 hands played....took 24'K form the table that I didn't bring....& both 16+ and 10K+ missions....and off to Blackjack 21....
   Took my "chair" at what appeared to be a table of four....but two were ghosts....and the 4th had just busted out....so one hand me and the dealer....and made blackjack....and existed....next table....back to the "morgue" (what I've decided to call a table like that)....a quick exit....and a 3 to 4 player table....I really don't like playing too many hands....head to head....hands come too fast....and the dealers "edge" plays to big of a factor....3rd table mostly shmattah....but the occasional decent hand....dealer wasn't really catching either....10 minutes past and I had no clue of where I stood money-wise to made a haste retreat....16 hands played....7 wins....1 blackjack....6 dealer busts....up 15$....(as/usual all bets 10$)....as it turned out....the blackjack at the "morgue" table was the difference between being up and a draw....
(19:39 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(Facebook Games)
1) Fall Spades: 2 games played....(1st game)....6 hands played...."we" 514 pts. + 4 bags + 2 nil big made....vs...."they" 246 pts. + 6 bags + set once....{2nd game}....9 hands played...."we" 521 pts. + 11 bags (-100 pts.) + 1 nil bid made + set once....vs...."they" 196 pts + 6 bags + set twice....
2) Mahjong FRVR: 4 puzzles solved including the puzzle of the day....all at the "normal level".....
3) Video Poker Live: up 9'M to 35'M....
(World of Solitaire)
1) Klondike(turn 1): cleared only game played....52/52....
2) Aces Up(relaxed): failed to clear only game played....
3) Josephine(relaxed): 21 of 21 games played cleared....104/104....4 games cleared in only one time through the deck....
(Just Solitaire)
1) Crescent: 3 games played....best game....87/104 w/ 4 completed foundation piles....
(21:31 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 173.406'M / Net Gain Today: 612'K / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 588'K /
Table(1): +24,000$ / Hands Played Today: 16 / Total Hands Played: 23,219 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 451,560$ / Net Gain Today: 1,715$ / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 1,700$ /
Table(1) +15$ / Hands Played Today: 16 / Total Hands Played: 7,213 /

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

(07:53 UTC-5)
    Just past my normal staring time....but barely....like we used to say back in the day...."close enough for canal work"....and off for my morning session of Poker....
   As I took my "chair" (1000/500 blind table)....and watched the hand in progress I got the impression that there was a table captain....and not just a captain....but maybe a pirate captain....complete with hook and parrot....he was there for every hand I played....only 2 calls...every other hand anywhere from a 3'K pre-flop raise to an all-in....first hand pocket Tens....3'K raises....I called to the very end but the 3rd Ten apparently had walk the plank....next hand same 3'K raise scenario....pocket King/Jack suited (Hearts)....flop 2 more Hearts with the Ace...blank on turn....but I realized this might be my only chance....chased and was rewarded with another Heart....an unassuming 6....but the nut flush none the less....captain raise again....I re-raised....and he fold the Jolly Roger....a nice pot and some betting money....caught decent pockets only a couple more times but missed the flop or when I had pocket Kings....in the big blind....small blind went all-in pre-flop....for a little less than 50K....I knew I was close to 16+ hands mission....and folded....and as it turned out....a lucky fold...3rd King never came and the winner made trips....ergo...14 minutes played....16 hands....took 31,075$ that I didn't bring with me....no slots but 16+ & 10K+ missions in tow....and off to Blackjack 21...
   "Sat down" at the table....first 4 hands I had a 19, two 20's & a blackjack....dealer busted on all four hands...which started a streak were I made mostly good hands....a few scraped off the stable floor....but only a few...and was hitting well....3 hits....one 10 & two 11's....all other 21's....decided to extend past the usual 10 minutes....a bad choice....the pendulum swung....I got shmattah, and couldn't hit a lick....and the dealer got hot....ergo....15 minutes played....3 or 4 players at the table....22 hands played....11 wins....1 blackjack....3 other 21's....1 push....7 dealer busts....up 25$....
(19:26 UTC -5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(Facebook Games)
1) Fall Spades: 2 games played.....{1st game}.....10 hands played...."we" 577 pts. + 17 bags (-100 pts) + 2 nil bids made + set once...."they" -70 pts. + 10 bags (-100 pts) + 1 failed nil bid + set 3 times....{2nd game}....9 hands played...."we" 512 pts. + 12 bags (-100 pts.) +1 nil bid made...."they" 60 pts. + 10 bags (-100 pts.) + 1 nil bid made + 4 sets....
2) Mahjong FRVR: only the puzzle of the day solved at the normal level....after several attempts at all 3 levels....a nasty one....
3) Video Poker Live: {a new game}....started at 100K....now have 26,800'K....not real sure why (hehe).....but I like video poker....
(World of Solitaire Games)
1) Klondike(turn 1): failed to clear only game played....
2) Aces Up(relaxed): failed to clear only game played....
3) Josephine(relaxed): 12 out of 12 games cleared.....2 on first time through the deck....
(Just  Solitaire)
1) Crescent: 3 games played....best game....91/104 w/ 5 foundation piles completed....
(21:27 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 172,795'M / Net Gain Today: 493'K / Drops(7)&Roulette(1): 462'K /
Table(1): +31,075$ / Hands Played Today: 16 / Total Hands Played: 23,203 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 449,845$ / Net Gain Today: 1,525$ / Drops(7)&Roulette(1): 1,500$ /
Table(1): +25$ / Hands Played Today: 22 / Total Hands Played: 7,197 /

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

(07:08 UTC-5)
   Start time in the normal 06:00 to 07:00 wind....w/ a twist....awoke just after mid-night....and as I sometimes do....decided to take a drop on both Poker and Blackjack....after the cold weather over the weekend the +24*F & +16*F wind-chill sounds warm....
   Took a "chair" at a 1000/500 blind table after what has be come the obligatory one try at a 200/100 table....a crazy table....complete with table captain....pot pushing, sporadic pre-flop raise, and some all-ins....3 hand in had pocket 10s....and lost a substantial pot to a river pair of Ladies....the only pot I lost the entire game....played a little looser than I normally do....won several blind and small pots and had battled back to almost even and to my great surprise and joy had pocket Kings....the "button" was on my left...,the "Captain's Chair" to my right....smooth call of the blinds....and one of the blinds went all in (smallest stack....around 35K)....captain folded....I decided to cover....another low stack went all-in....had a brief scare when the flop had a Queen and on the turn came one of her sisters....but won a 100K+ pot....had been playing about 30 minutes....so decided to take my leave....ergo....42 hands played....extremely fluid table from as few as 2 to as many as 8....had been hording slot spins over the last few days and went 2/9 on slots for a 400$....but when added to the table wins I left win just over 100K....and off to Blackjack 21....
   Took my "seat" at a Blackjack 21 table....and for a change with few exceptions....was catching cards....my fondest dream....but as the Fates would have it....also my worst nightmare....the dealer was also catching cards....but anyways....it played out something like this....10 minutes played....15 hands played....although briefly 2 or 3 at the table....majority of the hands were at a table of 4 or 5....6 wins....3 other 21's (2 wins and 1 push)....3 pushes....1 double (on an other 21....the push....of course)....3 dealer busts....and the bottom line....nothing lost....nothing gained....
(19:18 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(Facebook Games)
1) Fall Spades: 2 games played....{1st game}....11 hands...."we" 547 pts. + 17 bags (-100 pts.)....vs...." they" 234 pts. + 4 bags + set 4 times....{2nd game}....9 hands...."we" 526 pts. + 6 bags + 2 nil bids made (me) but regular bid (partner) failed....vs...."they" 241 pts. + 11 bags (-100 pts.) + set twice....
2) Mahjong FRVR: only puzzle of the day solved at the "casual level"....
(Just Solitaire)
1) Crescent: 3 games played....all had at least 1 foundation pile complete....{best game}....99/104 w/ 7 completed foundation piles)
(World Of Solitaire)
1) Klondike(turn 1): only game played....cleared....52/52....
2) Aces Up(relaxed): failed to clear only game played....
3) Josephine(relaxed): 16 of 16 games played cleared....104/104....6 games cleared with only one tome through the deck....
(Please Note: have added some observations on Josephine(relaxed) in the footer....as well as some board pix of the solitaire games I play)
(21:23 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 172.302'M / Net Gain Today: 1,405'K / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 1,302'K /
Table(1)&Slots(9): +102,552$ / Hands Played Today: 42 / Total Hands Played: 23,187 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 448,320$ / Net Gain Today: 2,100$ / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 2,100$ /
Table(1) 0$ / Hands Played Today: 16 / Total Hands Played: 7,175 /

Monday, January 14, 2019

(07:38 UTC-5)
   Pretty typical start time this morning....another cold one here in the Northcountry of New York State....as I post this outdoor temperature is 0*F with a -7 windchill....so off to play some Poker and some Blackjack 21....and unfortunately the tables were as cold and inhospitable as the weather....
   Took a "chair" at a 1000/500 blind table ( and yes I did try once again at a 200/100 blind table....they say the test of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and getting the same results....now you know why I'm called the MadTrollie)....right from the get go figured it for a bad day....at the table was a high stake, pot pushing table captain....oy  vey....only had decent hole cards 3 times twice suited connectors....first was blown away by a pre-flop all-in....not the table captain....so a quick fold....got to the flop with the 2nd....I had Hearts....the flop all Clubs....captain bet nearly half my stake....another quick fold....a little past mid-way in the session....pocket Nines in the small blind....dealer and two other players went all in....what I didn't know at the time but soon discovered it was the opening salvo in an "end of session death match" for the three....I would have had to go all-in as well....a quick fold....I made the correct call.....but dang it all....pot was won with a "high card".....my only joy in this was that the "Captain" was busted to a private....and left hat in hand....only to be replaced by kamikaze and dive bombers....ergo....16 hands played....down -7.5K$....and off to Blackjack 21....
   Took my "chair" for a round of Blackjack 21....it looked like a table of 3....but there was a "ghost" at the table (never bet....never left)....I'm thinking corpse or maybe cadaver would be a better description....anyways....2+1 at the table quickly became 3+1....2 level 6's and 1 level 8....and almost a carbon copy of yesterdays session....only 3 decent hands the whole time....1 win, 1 push, 1 dealer 21....the rest typical shmattah....ergo....10 minutes played....16 hands played....5 wins....1 push....4 dealer busts....down 40$....
(11:30 UTC)
   I sometimes ask my self why I play Blackjack 21....I'm worried that it might be masochism....2nd session....but the same results only worst....never won a had unless the dealer busted....a few decent hands but either beat by a better hand....or would have won anyways because of the dealer's bust....most hands the usual selection of shmattah....ergo....10 minutes played....15 hands played....fluid table from 2 to 4 players....1 other 21...1 push....3 dealer pushes....down 70$....
(19:23 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(Facebook Games)
1) Fall Spade: 1 game played....a wild one featuring a 17 trick over bid....9 hands played...."we" 503 pts. + 3 bags + 1 nil bid made + set once....vs...."they" -64 pts. + 6 bags + set four times....
2) Mahjong FRVR: only puzzle of the day solved at the "normal level"....
(World of Solitaire  Games)
1) Klondike(turn 1): failed to clear only game played....
2) Aces Up(relaxed): failed to clear only game played....
3) Josephine(relaxed): 20 out of 20 games cleared....104/104....2 games cleared with only 1 time through the deck....
( Just Solitaire Game)
1) Crescent: 2 games....one that started strong and fizzled out....the best one (for lack of a better term)....72/104 w/ only 1 foundation pile completed....
(21:25 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 170.897'M / Net Gain Today: 1,987.5'K / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 1,995'K /
Table(1): -7,500$ / Hands Played Today: 16 / Total Hands Played: 23,145 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 446,220$ / Net Gain Today: 1,590$ / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 1,700$ /
Tables(2): -110$ / Hands Played Today: 31 / Total Hands Played: 7,159 /

Sunday, January 13, 2019

(07:53 UTC-5)
   Dang, current temperature -4*F....w/ -14*F wind chill....before I retired I'd have spent part of my day in conditions worse than this....but I was paid well....off to take a "chair" at a Poker table....a wild and crazy table....but a friendly table....be for the flop at least....rarely a big pre-flop raise....but after the flop the big raises where common....as were all-ins after the flop....but there's good news and bad news there....you can win big....you can lose big....but I need good hands to play that game and I only caught two....if I don't have a "made" hand or a high pair or 4 to a straight or flush after the flop....I don't chase....was only in two hands....50/50 calls....first hand lost 2 pair to a river flush....lost about 30'K....second hand....flopped a pair of Aces and had a 10 kicker....another play a large raise....he could have made the same pair but there was a Queen in the flop as well....my "gut"and the fact that I had observed him betting big on any pair...call....another raise another call....and a call on the river....a win....now up 40'K....not my usual style but I occasionally will play what my "gut" tells me to....and today it was right....ergo....20 minutes played....18 hands played....up 40,175$....(no slots....had 5 spins but decided to save them for another time)....and of to take a chair at a Blackjack 21 table....
   If you've read this slagheap I laughingly refer to as my blog....you know I'm a stats nerd....before I play Blackjack 21....I always record my start stats (do the same for Poker)....one of the stats I record for Blackjack 21 is my total wins....which this morning were "2936"....I looked twice....that number rang a bell....with the 2 letter prefix....that was the telephone number of my home phone when I was a kid....some 65 years ago....(a 4 party line (link))
   Took my "chair" to play some blackjack....except for 3 hands....every hand was a 12 to 17....shmattah....and oy vey....even when I had a hit-able hand....the result save once was a 12 to 17....an 18 that was a push....never won a hand unless the dealer busted....ergo....10 minutes played....first hand table of for....after that all hands table of 5....1 push....4 dealer busts....down 40$....
(20:14 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(Facebook Games)
1) Fall Spades: 2 games played....{game 1}....3 hands...."we" 214 pts. + 4 bags....vs "they" -218 pts. + 2 bags + set twice + 1 failed nil bid....{game 2}....7 hands...."we" 557 pts. + 7 bags + 1 nil bid mads....vs...."they" 86 pts. + 6 bags + 1 nil bid made + set three times....
2) Mahjong FRVR: 6 games cleared including puzzle of the day....2 at the "casual level"....3 at the "normal level"....&....1 at the "challenging level"....
(World of Solitaire Games)
3) Klondike(turn 1): failed to clear only game played....
4) Aces Up(relaxed): Failed to clear only game played....
5) Josephine(relaxed): 22 out of 22 games cleared....104/104....3 games cleared with only 1 time through the deck....
(Just Solitaire Game)
6)Crescent: 2 games....best....102/104 w/ 7 completed foundation piles....
(22:06 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 168.910'M / Net Gain Today: 393'K / Drops(8)&Roulette(1): 353'K /
Table(1): +40,125$ / Hands Played Today: 18 / Total Hands Played: 23,129 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 444,630$ / Net Gain Today: 1,660$ / Drops(8)&Roulette(1): 1,700$ /
Table(1) -40$ / Hands Played Today: 14 / Total Hands Played: 7,128 /
   Took drops last night after end of day....to set up start of tomorrow....with roulette spins on both game....

Saturday, January 12, 2019

(07:34 UTC-5)
   When I awoke a little before  07:00 and checked the temperature it was +2*F....no walk for the MadTrollie for the 3 start day....might as well play some Poker and Blackjack 21....of course I would anyways....but at least this morning I have an excuse....still no joy at a 200/100 blind table ....so off for some Poker and took my "chair" at a 1000/500 blind table....just in time to witness a "end of the session death match between 2 players....one went bust and the other rode off into the sunset"....what was left for the most part was a nice quiet table, my kind of table, a little pot building, and a large raise or an all-in after the river from time to time....but that's to be expected....like I said my kind of table....however....not the hole cards I would have hoped for....with few exceptions....and when I did catch a decent pocket cards....except twice missed the flop....did win 2 hands once with a high pair (a blind pot) which I rivered....and 2 pair when I was in a 50/50 call situation....4 to a straight on the river....but I was in a "show me the '&^%$' straight mood"....and player couldn't....despite from my POV the disadvantages of playing at a 1000/500 blind table in my morning quest for the 16+ hands played mission....the increased probability of losing a chunk of money when a player shows me the straight....if I had won a blind and a small pot at 200/100 blind "prices"....odds are I wouldn't have scored the 10K+ chips mission....ergo....16 minutes played....16 hands played....up 1,150....no slots {feel free to translate '&^%$' any way you'd like)....and off to Blackjack 21....
   Took my "chair" to play some Blackjack 21....dealer was smoking hot....I wasn't....just one of those days when most of my 2 card hands were shmattah....and when I did manage to catch a 18,19 or 20....almost every time the dealer had a better hand....he was hitting like crazy....ergo....10 minutes played....2 to 4 players at the table but most hands were played with 2 or 3....16 hands....1 blackjack....3 dealer busts....down 65$....
(19:27 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(Facebook Games)
1) Fall Spade: 1 game....7 hands played....549 pts. + 9 bags + 1 nil bid made....vs...."they" 135 pts. + 5 bags + set twice....
2) Mahjong FRVR: only puzzle of the day solved at the "casual level"....
(World of Solitaire Games)
1) Klondike(turn 1): failed to clear the only game played today....
2) Aces Up(relaxed): failed to clear the only puzzle of the day....
3) Josephine(relaxed) 30 out of 32 games played cleared....104/104....3 games cleared with only one turn through the deck....
(Just Solitaire Game)
1) Crescent: 2 games played....best....90/104 with 5 completed foundation piles....
(21:13 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 168.517'M / Net Gain Today: 1,954'K / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 1,953'K /
Table(1): +1,150$ / Hands Played Today: 16 / Total Hands Played: 23,111 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 442,970$ / Net Gain Today: 1,635$ / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 1,700$ /
Table(1): -65$ / Hands Played Today: 16 / Total Hands Played: 7,114 /

Friday, January 11, 2019

(07:10 UTC-5)
   When I rolled out of bed this morning I checked the outdoor temperature and it was 0*F or -17*C take your pick....and I thought....sounds like a great day to stay in and play some online games....of course I was going to anyways....but it's a great excuse....anyways it's my story and I'm sticking to it....again with the no 200/100 blind table....so off to a "seat" at a 1000/500 blind table of Poker....a table in search of an identity.....one hand kamikaze and dive bombers....the next pot pushing....some "my pair is bigger than your pair".....an attempt at a table captain which thee rest of the table refusing to play....but also some friendly poker....but the crazy thing was for the most part  the majority of the players were the same through out the time I played....guess it wasn't the table's fault....didn't have the greatest run of cards I've every had but it was miles better than the shmattah I got yesterday....never was in any of the big pots and there were a few....but did win enough small/blind pots to complete the 10K+ chip mission....ergo....20 minutes played....24 hands....left with 2,825$  I hadn't brought with me....(1,800$ of that was from 2/7 at slots....a hit for 400$....&....a hit for 1,400$)....&....of course 16+ hands played mission....completed & claimed....and off in search of a "chair" at a Blackjack 21 table....
   Took my "seat" at a Blackjack 21 table....and first hand had a klutz move and bet 20$ rather than my usual 10$....but the dealer was kind and busted....I have a disorder called essential tremor (link)....or my hands shake....give me brake....I'm 71 years old....parts wear out....my case isn't too bad and usually under control but at the most inconvenient times....like when I'm trying to bet 10$ and the hand shakes and I bet 20$....or as I like  to say....I klutzed....basically a 2 or 3 player table but did play on hand head to head....the usual mixture of hands.....from shmattah to blackjacks and everything in between....and a cold....then hot....then lukewarm dealer....hence/ergo (take your pick)....10 minutes played....17 hands played....8 wins....2 blackjacks....5 dealer busts....up 10$....funny thing is I lost 1 more hand than I won....the 2 blackjacks made the money a wash....but the klutz gave me the 10$ up....
(19:03 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(Facebook Games)
1) Fall Spades: 1 game....9 hands...."we" 549 pts. + 9 bags + set twice + 1 nil bid made....vs....329 pts. + 9 bags + 1 set + 3 nil bids + 3 nil bids....1 made....2 failed....
2) Mahjong FRVR: only puzzle of the day solved at the "normal" level....
(World of Solitaire Games)
3) Klondike(turn 1): failed to clear only game played....
4) Aces Up(relaxed) failed to clear only game played....47/48....
5) Josephine(relaxed) 22 of 22 games cleared....3 games cleared on one turn through the deck....
(Just Solitaire Game(s))
6) Crescent: a mediocre 68/104 w/ 1 foundation pile completed....&....a clear....104/104 w/ all foundation piles completed....&....before the 3rd and final shuffle....
(20:48 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 166.562'M / Net Gain Today: 549'K / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 546'K /
Table(1)&Slots(7): +2,825$ / Hands Played Today: 24 / Total Hands Played: 23,095 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 441,335$ / Net Gain Today: 2,010$ / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 2,000$ /
Table(1): +10$ / Hands Played Today: 18 / Total Hands Played: 7,098 / 

Thursday, January 10, 2019

(06:04 UTC-5)
   Again with early start....and took my chair at a Poker table....when I was working (retired now)....when you had a day that nothing important was happening....and you spent the day on "busy work"....at days end we say "4 hours look for work....4 hours find no work"....business was seasonal....well that's how I've felt at the Poker tables the last couple of days...."look for hand....find no hand"....and after giving yesterday's session some thought....i realized I was guilty of chasing....I was playing marginal hands....so resolved today unless I was in the blinds and could get in the hand for a check or a call....I was going to be very selective about the hands I played....didn't help the fact that I got few decent hole cards....and never hit a flop....but you're going to have days like this....but it did limit the damage done....ergo....14 minutes played....17 hands played....never got even a whiff of a hand better that a single pair....down 11'K....no slots played....but 16+ hands played mission completed and engaged....so instead of 4 or maybe 5 drops/roulette spins....I'll get 8 or 9....on days like today....it helps....sure I'd like to play more....win more....but it's Poker....and you can't have a good day everyday....and it was a good table....until just at the end a kamikaze appeared.....thought about extending until that happened....and off to Blackjack 21....
   For the last few sessions I've been catching some nice cards....and the dealer has been in a benevolent mood and has been busting a lot....but not today....knew it won't last....he was on the fast track and making 21s left and right....twice lost 20s to blackjacks....weird table....first hand 3 at the table....next 3 hands just little old me and the dealer....over the next few hands was a table of 4....and just before I made my exit was down to two....ergo....10 minutes played....21 hands....6 wins....1 blackjack....1 other 21....3 dealer busts....down 75$
(17:53 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(Facebook Games)
1) Fall Spades: one game played....10 hands played...."we" 505 pts. + 5 bags + set once + 2 nils....1 made & 1 failed....vs...."they" 340 pts. + 10 bags (-100 pts.) + set once on a 14 bid + 1 nil bid made but regular bid failed
2) Mahjong FRVR: only puzzle of the day solved at the "normal level"....
(World of Solitaire Games)
3) Klondike(turn 1): cleared only game played....52/52....
4) Aces Up(relaxed): 1 out of 21 games played cleared....48/48....
5) Josephine(relaxed): 21 out of 21 games cleared....104/104....3 games cleared w/ only I time through the deck....others on the 2nd and last time through the deck....
(Just Solitaire Games)
6) Crescent: 4 games played....all at least decent games....best game....98/104 w/ 6 completed foundation piles....
(19:50 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 166.014'M / Net Gain Today: 241'K / Drops(7)&Roulette(1): 252'K /
Table(1): -11,000$ / Hands Played Today: 17 / Total Hands Played: 23,071 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 439,325$ / Net Gain Today: 2,625$ / Drops(7)&Roulette(1): 2,700$ /
Table(1): -75$ / Hands Played Today: 21 / Total Hands Played: 7080 /
   I'm stopping play a little early tonight....2 main reasons....next free money on both Blackjack 21 and Poker are Roulette spins....now on Blackjack 21 it really doesn't matter....with the 2 hour clock and no missions....but with Poker it does....if the first thing I do tomorrow is take the spin before I make my morning run to the tables....regardless of what I may hit on the wheel....I'll fulfill the 24'K+ free cash mission and pick up 2 additional slot spins....

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

(05:54 UTC-5)
   Obviously an early start to the day....and ever hopeful of a good day....than why do I start every day at thee Poker table....there is an old adage " The early bird gets the worm"....well this morning I just guess it was my day to be the worm....as/usual tried for a seat at a 200/100 blind table....and as of late....no joy....took a "chair" at a 1000/500 blind table....( I sometimes wish....well really  all the time....that there was a table with blinds between them)....a very aggressive table....pre-flop raises....all-ins after the river....the whole 9 yards....(sorry an old adage based on gridiron)....never really caught a hand....lost 2 pair twice to a better to pair....hand 4 to a straight 3 times after the flop....didn't catch the card....two of the three were "gut-shots"....but....one can hope....some decent hole cards....but never really hit a flop....and the turn and river were the wrong turn and a dry river....oy vey....ergo....20 minutes played....19 hands....left 25K at the table....no slots....and off to Blackjack 21....
   Took a "chair" for some blackjack....at what was to just before I left a very static table of 5....two level 7s....a level 6 (me)....a level 4 & a level 2....and for the first 4 or 5 minutes the dealer was on the old bust-train....he got off....rats....over time the others left until the table was only myself and one of the 7s....he left....and next hand so did I....ergo....11 minutes played....18 hands played....9 wins....2 blackjacks....1 push....7 dealer busts....up 30$....
(19:43 UTC-5)
{Summary of Other Games Played Today}
1) Fall Spades: 2 games played....{1st Game}....10 hands played...."we" 561 pts. + 11 bags (-100 pts.) + failed nil bid....vs. "they" 221 pts. + 11 bags (-100 pts.) + failed nil bid....{2nd Game}....9 hands played...."we" 513 pts. + 13 bags (-100 pts.) + one nil bid made....vs...."they" 124 pts. + 4 bags + set three times....
2) Mahjong FRVR: only the puzzle of the day solved at the "casual level.....
3) Klondike(turn 1): failed to clear only game played....
4) Josephine(relaxed): 20 out of 20 games cleared....104/104....2 with only 1 time through the deck....
5) Aces Up(relaxed): 0 for 10 games played....best score....47/48 (twice)
6) Crescent: only 2 games played....{1st Game}.....92/104 w/ 4 completed foundation piles....&....{2nd Game}....87/104 w/ 3 foundation piles completed....
(21:35 UTC-5)
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank:436,700$ / Net Gain Today: 3,530$ / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 3,500 /
Table(1): +30$ / Hands Played Today: 18 / Total Hands Played: 7,059 /
(Note: according to the report of number of players....play is down again....now showing at 66'K)
(22:34 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 165.772'M / Net Gain Today: 626'K / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 650'K /
Table(1) -24,000$ / Hands Played Today: 21 / Total Hands Played: 23,054 /

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

(08:40 UTC-5)
   Typical morning start....well at least the usual start time....between 06:00 and 07:00....but after that....the one obligatorily attempt at a 200/100 blind Poker table...no joy....and then off to a 200/100 blind table....in the blinds on the second hand....Jack/9 suited....no pre-flop raise....flopped 2 pair....and top 2 pair....6 at the table....except for 1 other player....the rest had between 20K and 50K stakes....and my buy-in was the max 125K....one of the smaller stakes went all-in on the river and I called and won a nice pot....except for a little pot building and some post river all-ins was a great table for my style of play....and was hitting some flops....so decided to extend my play past the 16+ hands played banner....a pot pusher emerged....came in with about 75'K....and was a bit of a bully....but I didn't want to play....and then right about the 30 minute mark....a kamikaze appeared and I disappeared....besides wasn't catching pockets or flops like I was for awhile....ergo....30 minutes played....35 hands.....4 to 7 players at the table....left with 65,550$ I hadn't brought with me....800$ of that was from 3/7 on slots....and off to Blackjack 21....
   Took my "chair" at a table for 2....then 3....then 2 again....then 3 which became 4....and started catching decent cards right off the get....best run of cards in a very long time....and for most of the time I played the dealer was not as hot as of late....was up at the 10 minute mark and decided to extend my play....but right around 15 minutes in....dealer was catching and I wasn't so got up and left....ergo....15 minutes played....24 hands....12 winners....3 blackjacks ( 2 of them "back to back".....2 pushes....up 45$....(as/usual all bets 10$)
   So everything considered a welcome great start to the day....oops....both 16+ & 10K+ missions in hand and the 2x clock is off and running at Poker....
(11:10 UTC-5)
   Decided to "put my head in the noose" so to speak and take another "chair" at Blackjack 21....a crazy table....ranging from 2 to 4 players....plus for the entire time I played a "ghost"....never bet....never left....another lost soul caught in the "glitch".....caught a great run of cards and a dealer not only with bust-itis....but flipped and hit to a hard 17 more than usual....would have played longer than what I did but was playing a gap between drops on Blackjack 21 and Poker....ergo....15 minutes played....22 hands played....2 blackjacks....1 push....8 dealer busts....up 90$ (all bets 10$....no doubles)....and up a level to level 6....
(14:12 UTC-5)
   Tried a couple of times to find a "chair" on a 200/100 blind Poker table....and as it's been for the last 8 days....no joy....still don't have guess one why....rather than a second go-round on a higher blind table....chose to take a "chair" for the 3rd time today at Blackjack 21....for the first 10 minutes....just the usual and annoying collection of bad hands....and hits and misses...."vhat shmattah"....the only reason that I was ahead a little was the dealer had a ticket on the "bust-bus".....but decided to extend.....and started catching hands....ergo....20 minutes played....crazy table every permutation between a table of 5 and just the Madtrollie and the dealer....31 hands played....18 wins....5 blackjacks....1 push....1 split ( split Aces....and hit both for 2 of my 5 blackjacks)....9 dealer busts....up 85$....(again all bets 10$....no doubles)....
(19:05 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
1) Fall Spades: 2 games played....{1st game}....7 hands...."we" 517 pts. + 7 bags + set once + 3 nil bids made....vs...."they" 141 pts. + 11 bags (-100 pts.) + set twice....{2nd game}....8 hands....537 pts. + 7 bags + 1 nil bid made.....vs...."they" 105 pts. + 5 bags + set 3 times ( once on a 14 bid)....
2) Mahjong FRVR: only puzzle of the day solved on the "casual level".....
3) Klondike(turn 1): only game played cleared....52/52....
4) Aces up(relaxed): 0 for 5 games played cleared....best game....47/48....
5) Josephine(relaxed): 11 for 11 games played cleared....104/104....
6) Crescent: 3 games played....all 3 w/ completed foundation piles....best....98/104 w/ 6 completed foundation piles....
(21:22 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 165.147'M / Net Gain Today: 2,060'K / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 1,995'K /
Table(1)Slots(7): + 65,550$ / Hands Played Today: 35 / Total Hands Played: 23,035 /
(Day's End Blackjack)
Total Bank: 433,170$ / Net Gain Today: 4,920$ / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 4,700$ /
Table(3): +220$ / Hands Played Today: 77 / Total Hands Played: 7,041 /
   Obviously had a good day both on and off the tables....most hands I've played of Blackjack 21 for quite awhile and hit the top two payouts on roulette....also hit the top payout on Poker w/ a chip....on that wheel the payout is listed as 1.7 million....but it's actually 1.68 million....looks like the rounded the value up....probably most won't notice the difference....but I'm a little bit of a math nerd....okay a big math nerd....I like my "Day's End" numbers to be right....no I don't have OCD....I do however have CDO....it's similar to OCD but I insist that the letters be in alphabetical order (hehe)....

Monday, January 7, 2019

(07:09 UTC-5)
   Started off play today in the usual 06:00 to 07:00 window....as has been the deal for the last 7 days....no luck at getting on a 200/100 blind table at Poker....I'm starting to think that I've been placed in the "little black book" and am no longer welcome there (hehe)....no actually idea what the deal is....so off to a 1000/500 blind table with my max buy-in of 125K....so took my "chair" and what I found was....different player than yesterday....but same result....pre-flop raise on virtually every hand....and like yesterday I was catching a few decent pocket cards....unlike yesterday I hit a couple of flops....once for two pair....and twice for 4 to a straight....and twice the turn was in my favor....played 1 hand past the appearance of the 16+ hand mission banner....had suited connectors....but a new player behind me made a ridiculous pre-flop bet and I was gone ( ah the disconnect between the hand count....my count 17 hands played...stat count says 15....but on got the 16+ hands mission....(the old MadTrollie just shakes his hand and moves on))....15(?) hands played....a 4 to 6 player table....up 13,850....and the 10K+ mission as well....and unlike yesterday remembered to claim the 16+ mission immediately upon leaving the table....and off to Blackjack 21....
   Now I've hand bad runs of cards at the Blackjack 21 table before but this run takes the cake...."Vhat a bunch of shmattah"....in the 10 minutes I played I hand 2 (count 'um) 2 hands 18 or better....the 18 was a push....and the other was a blackjack....at least that wasn't a push as well....and a few hit-able hands....or rather miss-able hands because every time I hit....I missed....occasionally 3 or 5 at the table...but usually a table for 4....ergo....15 hands played....3 wins....1 blackjack....2 pushes (the other on a 17)....only 2 dealer busts....down 55$....
   Second time to Blackjack 21....a weird one....for the most part got the all to usual select of rags....and rags that had cleaned the stable floor....and when I did catch a decent hand it was bet save for one....hand 4 or 5 two card 9s, 10s or 11's....and the only one it got a decent hand....a 19....dealer flipped a 20.....add to that I got disconnected once....and a crazy first table started at 5 and end at 2....ergo....11 minutes played(?)....17 hands....6 wins....1 push....5 dealer busts....down 20$....
(18:53 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
1) Fall Spades: 2 games played....{1st game}....10 hands played...."we"....507 pts. + 7 bags + 1 nil bid made + set once....vs...."they"....216 pts. + 16 bags (-100 pts.) + 2 nil bids.....1 made & 1 failed....{2nd game}....10 hands...."we" 549 pts. + 9 bags + set once + 1 nil bid made....vs...."they" 121 pts. + 11 bags (-100 pts.) + set 3 times....
2) Mahjong FRVR: puzzle of the day solved on the "casual lever".....&....one puzzle solved on the "normal level"....
3) Klondike(turn 1): failed to clear only game played today....
4) Aces Up(relaxed): 0 for 10 games played....best game....46/48....
5) Josephine(relaxed): 21 out of 21 games cleared....104/104....4 games cleared with only 1 trip through the deck....
6) Crescent: 2 games played....87/104 with 4 completed foundation piles....&....97/104 w/ 7 completed foundation piles....
(20:42 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 163.086'M / Net Gain Today: 350'K / Drops(7)&Roulette(1): 336'K /
Table(1) +13,850$ / Hands Played Today: 15 / Total Hands Played: 23,000 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 428,250$ / Net Gain Today: 3,325$ / Drops(7)&Roulette(1): 3,400$ /
Tables(2) -75$ / Hands Played Today: 32 / Total Hands Played: 6,964 /

Sunday, January 6, 2019

(06:07 UTC-5)
   An early start to the day....usually start play between 06:00 & 07:00 but logged on just after 05:00....and the way things are going probably should have rolled over and went back to sleep....as has happened of late....one attempt at a 200/100 blind Poker table....no joy....so off to a 1000/500 blind table....took my "chair" and didn't take but a few hands to figure out there was a super aggressive player at the table....a raise pre-flop on nearly ever hand....not a big raise mind you but a raise none the less....I've played with or should I say against a player like this before and done quite well....but you've got to catch some decent pocket cards and hit a few flops....well I did catch a few decent pocket cards....never hit the flop.....never won a pot....and he was catching hands....oy vey....anyways....played 12 minutes....16 hands....left 22.4'K at the table....dang I hate it when that happens....but got the 16+ hands mission....and off to Blackjack 21....after my play at Blackjack 21....I realized I had neglected to claim the 16+ hands mission....and was still on the normal clock....dang....sometimes I can be a real dummkopt....so I lost at most a few minutes of 2x clock....and with the early start....no really an actual problem...."where was I ?....what was I doing ?....and why ?....
   Took my "chair" at a Blackjack 21 table....and to my horror another ghost table....2 players caught in the matrix....was an actual other player there who left....and after 4 exits and 3 returns...."found a chair" at a playable table....and with the exception of a few hands....most of my hands were pure shmattah....that's the bad news....but the good news is the "dealer" at the new table had a case of bust-itis....so it really didn't matter much that I couldn't catch very many good hands....ergo....15 minutes played (but with all the "bouncing around" I did how much actually time I played....no guess)....an average 3 players at the second table....23 hands....10 wins....2 blackjacks....1 push....1 double ( on a two card 11....dealer showing a 2....hit to a 17....dealer hit to a 17)....up 20$....at the second table player busts out....returns with a fresh 2K....must have hit a roulette....bets 1K....on two straight hands....busts out again....?....
(18:17 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Hands Played Today)
1) Fall Spades: 1 game played....11 hands played...."we" 534 + 14 bags (-100 pts.) + set once + 1 made nil bid....vs....159 pts. + 9 bags + set 4 times....
2) Mahjong FRVR: puzzle of the solved at the "casual level"....&....1 puzzle solved at the "normal level"....
3) Klondike(turn 1): 1 win in only game played....52/52....
4) Josephine(relaxed): 10 out of 10 games played cleared....104/104.....
5) Aces Up(relaxed): 2 games out of 10 games played cleared....48/48....
(21:40 UTC-5)
(Please Note: factors came together so I was able to get 8 drops and two spins  at roulette on both Blackjack 21 and Poker....because of the different "clocks".....and an hour+ between the last drop on each game....I'll list Blackjack 21 now....and Poker in a little over an hour if i don't fall asleep and the creek don't raise)
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 424,925$ / Net Gain Today: 2,320$ / Drops(8)&Roulette(2): 2,300$ /
Table(1): +20$ / Hands Played Today: 23 / Total Hands Played: 6,932 /
(22:51 UTC-5)
Total Bank: 162.234'M / Net Gain Today: 775.6'K / Drops(8)&Roulette(2): 798'K /
Table(1): -22.4'K / Hands Played Today: 16 / Total Hands Played: 22,985 /
..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........