..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Wednesday, November 4, 2020

 *[05:01 UTC-5]*[+33*F_w/windchill:+26*F_clear_winds from the south@9 mph_humidity:73%_barometer:30.21"\/_today's hi/lo:+60*F/+50*F]]*[Today on MadTrollie*[Medieval]:[William Byrd]:[Telemann]:]*

*[10:05 UTC-5]*[From the Tables]*..I just went back to login to Poker to check something and it won't load..here we go again..oy vey..../....

[Yesterday's Sim&Roulette Results]*<[24/7 Games,com]>..Spades: four games consisting of a total of 30 hands played:"we" 501 pts./ + 11 bags [-100 pts.] + set thrice + 2 made nil bids:[vs]:"they" 307 pts. + 17  bags. [-100 pts.] + set four times + 1 failed nil bid..[a wild open first nine hands there was "blood" on the card]..[2] eight hands played:"we" 532 pts. + 2 bags + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 65 pts + 5 bags + set thrice..[2nd hand..a 15 bid.."they" set]..[3] six hands played:"we" 533 pts. + 3 bags + set once + 3 made nil bids:[vs]:"they" 84 pts. + 14 bags [-100 pts] + 1 failed nil bid..[1st hand.."my" nil made..2nd hand.."my" nil made & partner failed the "cover bid"..3rd hand..a double nil bid.."my" nil made.."their" nil failed]..[4] three hands played..a classic "they" implosion game".."we" 176 pts. + 6 bags:[vs]:"they" -220 pts. + 0 bags + set thrice....Hearts: four games played..[1] survived an opponent's "moon shot" on the 7th hand..a 36 pt. win..[2] caught the Queen of Spades on the 3rd hand..a 17 pt. win..[3] blocked an opponent's "moon shot"..a 10 pt. win..[4] a 13 pt. win....<[Just Solitaire]>..Crescent: a mixed bag of four games played..[3] 58.104 w/1 of the 8 foundation piles completed..[2] 72/104 w/2 of the 8 foundation piles completed..[4] 84/104 w/2 of the 8 foundation piles completed..[1] 104/104 w/all of the 8 foundation piles completed..before the last shuffle....<[World of Solitaire]>..Aces Up[relaxed]: only cleared one of the three games played[48/48]..first game cleared in 6 days & 18 games played on this very difficult game..Eight Off[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..Fan[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..Fort[relaxed]: failed to clear any of the three games played[73/104]..if the "wall" didn't get me the lay of the cards in the deck did..Josephine[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[104/104]..one game was cleared on the 1st of the 2 allowable turns thru the deck..Klondike[turn 1]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..Seahaven Towers[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..Tri-Peaks[hidden]: only cleared two of the three games played[52/52]....

*[06:11 UTC-5]*[Today's Live Game Results]*<[Facebook]>..Poker:[03:52]:..a bit of an early start today..picked up the awaiting drop(w/ad.) for "44K house money"..[the usual side-trips to run time off the "drop clock" & check on election results]..:[05:05]:..three tables visited..all as/usual were of the 1K/.5K variety and on all as/is my custom I risked the 125K-max-buy-in..play varied from "heads up" to vary briefly a four handed game but as has become the/usual in the era of "The Grim Reaper" were a 3-handed affair..no real pattern emerged..a few pocket Ace/any pair/any paint pre-flop raises..some continuation betting..a little pot-splashing after the river card arrived..the only all-ins were made by low stacks or peeps on "full tilt" after losing a big pot..just a couple of those..but a bunch of blind pots..not one of my best "catching" days..several times flopped 4 to a straight or flush and the only two..a straight & a flush I made were on runner-runner..even when I was getting decent looks in the pocket was rarely getting any help from the flop/turn or river..except for the to aforementioned..but I went into ultra-tight mode and avoided any big losses..1st table..got skunked before the "Reaper" got me after 7 hands played..2nd table..pretty much the same as the first..did manage to win two blind pots but on pairs out of the 14 hands played..but did achieve the 16 hands mission which I claimed in the lobby after the "Reaper" got me again..was down about 12K..decided to play a few more hands and try to get the 10+ mission as well..3rd table..pretty ,much the same deal as the first two save for the fact that over a 5 hand span caught 2-pair..a straight & a flush..for small pots..was up but the board went cold..stayed long enough to take the 7 slot spins I had..decided to play to the button and book it..but the "Reaper" got me before I got there..ergo..:{stats}:..24 minutes played..97 minutes off the drop clock..35 hands played..5 pots..1 for every 7 hands played..left 10,625$ on the first two tables..picked up 1,100$ on the slots..net loss for the session:9,525$..../....Video Poker Live: the /usual run for the 2x modifier..10 hands@50K-coins/hand..pretty typical..a pair..a 2-pair & a set..down 150K-coins but 2x modifier in hand..a 200K-coin "Happy Bonus" & a 100K-coin spin of the "Jackpot Wheel".."Current Bank" now stands@109.58'M-coins....[12:10 UTC-5]..../....Day's End Poker: Total Bank: 688.4'M / Net Gain Today: 540.5'K / Drops[8]&Roulette[1]: 550'K / Tables[3]&Slots[7]: -9,525$ / Hands Played Today: 35 / Total Hands played: 63,355 / [[notes]: 2 drops@44K & 6 drops@22K & 1 roulette spin@330K]....[18:55 UTC-5]..../....

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..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........