..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Saturday, November 28, 2020

 *[04:11 UTC-5]+]+40*F_today's hi/lo:+43*/+37*F_rain intermittent thru 11:00_winds out of the west@ 3 mph_humidity:95%_barometer:29.92"\/]*[Today on MadTrollie:[Chant];[Telemann];[Bach]*
*[04:49 UTC-5]*[Yesterday's Sim&Solitaire Results]*
<[24/7 Games.com]>
Hearts: six games played consisting of a total of 51 hands played..[1] eleven hands played:"we" 533 pts. + 13 bags [-100 pts.]:[vs]:"they" 286 pts. + 6 bags + set four times + 1 made nil bid..[2] seven hands played:"we" 527 pts. + 7 bags + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 2 pts. + 2 bags + set four times..[1st & 5th hands were 14 bids.."they" set both times..[3] seven hands played:"we" 527 pts. + 7 bags + set once + 3 made nil bids:[vs]:"they" 10 pts. + 10 bags [-100 pts.] + set twice..[4] nine hands played:"we" 539 pts. + 9 bags:[vs]:"they" 163 pts. + 3 bags + set thrice..[5] nine hands played:"we" 618 pts. + 8 bags + set once + 2 made nil bids:[vs]:"they" 427 pts. + 7 bags + 1 failed nil bid..[6] eight hands played:"we" 576 pts. + 6 bags:[vs]:"they" 145 pts. + 5 bags + set twice....
<[Just Solitaire]>
Crescent: only two games played..[1] 75/104 w/1 of the 8 foundation piles completed..[2] 98/104 w/7 the 8 foundation piles completed....
<[World of Solitaire]>
Aces Up[relaxed]: failed to clear any of the four games played:[best:[44/48]:]..
Eight Off[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..
Fan[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..
Fort[relaxed]: only cleared one of the three games played[104/104]..
Josephine[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[104/104]..one of the games was cleared on the 1st of the 2 allowable turns thru the deck..
Klondike[turn 1]: only cleared two of the four games played[52/52]..
Seahaven Towers[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..one games was cleared in:[01:45]:w/81 moves..
Tri-Peaks[hidden]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]....
*[06:56 UTC-5]*[Today's Live Game Results]*
Pokerist:..In accordance with what I think will become my modus operandi [dang..I wish spellcheck had taken Latin] on this site..I played about an hour at a 2$/1$ table..only available one was a table for five..would prefer a table of nine but it's the weekend..but today except for the odd hand most hands were with 4 or 5 at the table..clock speed was "slow"..again would prefer a quicker speed but the weekend..and up and down day as far as the play on the table goes..again probably just about broke even table-wise but picked up a nice daily bonus(20K) and a couple of "quests" along the way..as far as the actually play on the table..was a weird mix of loose play & just some decent poker..for the first 30 minutes it was just pure mayhem..the only time the first to act didn't go all-in..it was because the first to act was the "old MadTrollie"..but after that died down for the rest of the session there were periods of come interrupted by burst of insanity..made some nice hands in spots..won a couple on the river and got washed away a couple by the river as well..last pot..big blind..pocket "Ladies"..flop was a blank no three Ace but 3 to a nut flush in Hearts(held the Ace of Hearts]..turn..no Ace but another Heart..river..the 5th Heart..sometimes it's better to be lucky than good..a couple hands later the hour was up..ergo..:{stats}:..60 minutes played..85 hands played..42.4 seconds/hand..Net: +85,932$..busted out twice along the way.."Current Bank" now stands@ 264,753$.."Total Hands Played": 85..4th level..ranked: 4th..../....
*[14:19 UTC-5]*[From the Tables]*..Pokerist: I have come to the conclusion through observation that regardless whether you play at a low blinds or a high blinds table you are bound to encounter the "kamikaze"..all-in pre-flop virtually every turn..ergo..if I must deal with that I'll deal with it at the 2$/1$ blind table..were regardless of what I might lose in a given day..it will be more than covered by the "daily bonus"..stay out of the way..pick my shots when I have pocket pairs..suited connectors..or 2 paint..and work on fulfilling as many "quests" as I can..I'll play the game within the game..just like I did on Poker(SHFT)..but when at table I play the game my way...../.....  

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..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........