..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Thursday, October 21, 2021

<[11:06 UTC-4_10/19/21]Yesterday's Sim&Solitaire Results]*[On MT-Today's Playlist]*
<[24/7 Games\.com]>
<Spades:..seven games played consisting of a total of 62 hands played..
[1] nine hands played:"we" 281 pts. + 11 bags[-100 pts.]:[vs]:"they" -230 pts. + 0 bags + set five times..
[2] nine hands played:"we" 522 pts. + 12 bags[-100 pts.] + set once + 3 made nil bids:[vs]:"they" 333 pts. + 13 bags[-100 pts.] + set once..
[3] nine hands played:"we" 500 pts. + 10 bags[-100 pts.]:[vs]:"they" -85 pts. ++ 5 bags + set thrice + 1 failed nil bid..[the 3rd hand was a 14 bid.."they" set]...
[4] nine hands played:"we" 501 pts. + 11 bags[-100 pts.] + 1 made nil bid;[vs]:"they" 257 pts. + 7 bags + set twice..
[5] eight hands played:"we" 566 pts. + 6 bags:[vs]:"they" 218 pts. + 8  bags + set once + 1 failed nil bid..[the 7th hand was a 14 bid.."they" set]..
[6] nine hands played:"we" 525 pts. + 5 bags + set once + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 260 pts. + 10 bags [-100 pts.] + set twice..
[7] nine hands played:"we" 566 pts. + 6 bags + set twice + 1 blind nil bid made:[vs]:"they" 529 pts. + 9 bags....
[[From the Tables]:..game#7/8th hand.."we" were down a lot..bidding 3rd 9 tricks already bid so took a chance & bid nil blind..caught a good hand & made nil but partner failed the cover..score at the start of the 9th hand.."we" 493 & "they" 499..we got the better of the cards & squeaked out a win]....
<[Just Solitaire]>
<Alternations[option 2]: cleared the only game played[104/104]:[in]:[08:56]:..
<Clock: cleared the only game played[52/52]:[in]:[01:32]:..
<Crescent: 6 games played..[listed in worst to best order]..
[5] 45/104 w/0 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[6] 49/104 w/0 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[1] 51/104 w/0 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[4] 74/104 w/1 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[2] 81/`04 w/4 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[8] 94/104 w/5 of the eight foundation piles completed..
<Freecell: cleared the only game played[52/52]:[in]:[04:04]:....
[[From the Tables]:.."speed games" just a set of three workmanlike average games across the board.. "Crescent"..four "also appearing" & a couple of decent to good ones]....
<[World of Solitaire]>.48
<Aces Up[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[48/48]..1st game cleared in 3 days & 4 games played & then cleared the next one played..only have done that twice before on this very difficult game to clear..current clear percentage: 06:38%(+0.09%)..
<[Eight Off[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[52/52]..
<Fan[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[52//52]..
<Fort[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[104/104]..2 games were cleared on the 2nd of the 3 allowable turns thru the deck..
<Josephine[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[104/104]..1 game was cleared on the 1st of the 2 allowable turns thru the deck..
<Klondike[turn 1]: only cleared one of the two games played[52/52]..
<Klondike[relaxed][double][turn 1]: only cleared one of the two games played[104/104]..the rare loss on this game..
<Seahaven Towers[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..
<Tri-Peaks[hidden]: only cleared one of the two games played[52/52]....
[[From the Tables]:..a good day's play,,the rare clear on all nine games & the rarer double clear on "Aces Up"..17 clears & 3 fails..1 new victory image achieved_now all 5 images gained on the 36th level.."6th time thru the levels]....
*[05:53 UTC-4]*[Today's Live Game Results]*
<Replay Poker>
<:{stats}:><2$/1$ blinds>250K buy-in(2)>6 chairs>_78 mpld_75 hpld_62.4 secs/hd_13 pots_2 with qhds
 _1/5.8 p/hpld_"Bank:" 751,643$_"Up:" +2,316$("FCs:" +3.5K$_"Tables{1}:" -188$)_"Total Hands Play-ed:" 9,255_"Folds(n/c):" 71%_10th "Level(n/c)"..../....[[From the Tables]..just a typical start to the day.. rolled out of the bed about 04:00..the /usual routine..checked my FB groups & off to play some poker.. grabbed the waiting "house  money" & went looking for a "Duck Pond"..no table with a low average pot size..saw "TS" on a table with one empty chair & put my tuckus in it..to my surprise sat-down to a 2-handed game..the other 4 players were sitting out..including "TS" who left without playing another hand..[shrugs]..over the course of play varied from a 2-handed to a 6 handed game pre-flop & everything in-between & changing frequently..some pot pushing..some any two carding & of course pre-flop raises up to & including all-ins when a peep had a pocket Ace or pair or paint..there was one hand where four of the players had pockets..and except for the high stake..the others were all-in..I watched from the cheap seat..didn't have a very good day..except for one hand every time I had a good hand & had significant chips in the pot I got beat..the "best" of the lot of bad beats..flopped a flush & then the board played a dirty trick on me..yup..I ended up with 7 flush cards & of course somebody had a higher one in the pocket than 1..oy vey..busted out a couple hands later..returned..within a hand or three won a very nice pot when I turned a wheel & rivered an Ace high flush..but after that nothing but a bunch of small blind pots..decided to extend & for my sins..a brief visit from a kamikaze..had a couple of pockets I would have loved to play but with the way my "luck" had been running decide not to engage..got to the "button".. folded rags & left with my "pockets" considerably light than they had been when I sat down..{shakes his old grey head)..just not my day....[06:31 UTC-4]..../....

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