..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Thursday, February 7, 2019

(06:55 UTC-5)
   Normal Start time....+23*F.....+15*F w/wind chill....winds 7 mph out of the N/N/E...cloudy.....what light ice we did pick up will be gone quickly....warming up into the 40's F....rain starting after dusk through tomorrow....and then changing to snow....with winds tomorrow in excess of 25 mph....so might as well hunker in my "bunker" and play some online games....I would if it was sunny and warm but it's my excuse  for the time being....
   A disappointing day....not with Blackjack 21....I'm never disappointed with that game....because I don't expect any thing but getting my head handed to me....nature of the game....but I am occasionally pleasantly surprised....But Poker is another "kettle of fish"....
   Took my "chair" at a 1000/500 blind table....and really felt like playing an extended session....and for my sins got a table that resembled a bar fight from an "old western movie".....players at table from 3 to 8....and in almost constant flux....at one point one of the "gentle souls" hit me with a banana (one of the possible "gifts" you can give to another player)....I guess because I won't join in....after awhile....that group left and the newcomers played a style some what like  mine....one problem....never really caught a hand....a couple of small pots and a blind pot....I'm not disappointed about leaving 20,927$ behind ( -22,427$ at table, +1500$ for 3/10 at slots)....less than one "drop".....after all the "money ain't real".....and despite the "net loss:" the few pots I won gave me the 10K+ cash mission, and the 30 minutes & 30 hands played the 16+ hands mission....that wasn't the disappointment....I was disappointed because I really felt like playing and first the table and then not really catching anything was....but....%$#&* happens....and off to Blackjack 21....
   "Sat down" at a table that was in constant motion...anywhere from 2 to 4 players....and changing almost every hand....I know you don't play the other players....but it does change the pace and rhythm of the game....the usual shmattah with the occasional decent hand....10 minutes played....19 hands played....6 wins....2 blackjacks....2 pushes....2 dealer busts....down 40$....
   And barring the "zombie apocalypse", a power outage, or my desktop giving up the "ghost".....chances are I'll be back at it tomorrow.....
(17:25 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
(On "Facebook")
1) Fall Spades: 2 games played....{1st Game}....8 hands played...."we" 515 pts. + 5 bags + 1 nil bid made....vs...."they" 469 pts. + 9 bags....{2nd game}....7 hands played...."they" 506 pts. + 16 bags (-100 pts.) + 2 nil bids made....vs....-77 pts + 3 bags + set four time....
2) Mahjong FRVR: 10 puzzles solved at the "normal level" including puzzle of the day....
3) Video Poker Live: Start of Day Bank: 347.7 million chips....End of Day Bank: 358.7 million chips....
(On "Just Solitaire")
1) Crescent: 4 games played....best....97/104 with 6 of 8 foundation piles completed....
(On "World of Solitaire")
1) Aces Up(relaxed): cleared none of the ten games played....best game....44/48....
2) Eight Off(relaxed): 10 of 10 games cleared....52/52....
3) Josephine(relaxed): 10 of 10 games cleared....104/104....one game cleared with just one turn through the deck....
4) Klondike(turn 1): 3 of 10 games played cleared....52/52....
5) Tri-Peaks(hidden): 6 of 10 games played cleared....104/104....
(20:25 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 189'M / Net Gain Today: 315'K / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 336"K /
Table(1)&Slots(10): -20,927$ / Hands Played Today: 30 / Total Hands Played: 23,647 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 509,250$ / Net Gain Today: 1,760 / Drops(7)&Roulette(1): 1,800$ /
Table(1): -40$ / Hands Played Today: 19 / Total Hands Played: 7,579 /

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..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........