..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

[13:55 UTC-4]
[+71*F....rain....winds southwest@10 mph....relative humidity 93%....barometer: failing....rain and possible T-storms through 17:00 tonight]
   Didn't stay up and take the drop last night so took the drop before I hit the tables....42'K "house money" for the day.....logged on and took a "chair" at a 1K/.5K table with my 125K max-buy-in @5:34....in the time I played table varied from a few hands of "heads up" to as many as 7 players....and the dominate style changed with the comings and goings....from small ball to crazy big pots....never did see a kamikaze....but all-ins after the river card was revealed were not uncommon....neither were the pot pushers/any to carders/continuation raisers....and countless games of "my pair is big that your pair".....I actually played in a few of said "showdown"....but as/usual I "cheated".....I'll get involved only if I have trips or better....and while I was a little streaky catching wise....half of my winners came on "trips or better"....
   Made both the 16 hands played mission and the 10K+ mission on the same hand....from than until just before the 2 hour mark of the session I was "yo-yo-ing" one side or the other of my 125K buy-in ....and hadn't scored any even decent pots....just small/blind pots....
   I both love and hate pot pushers and any two carders....I hate them when I have to pay extra to  see a flop or turn and  miss....and love them when I catch a hand....just before the two hour mark....on the button with Queen/Nine in Diamond....paid a min-raise to see the flop....flopped top pair and 4 to a flush....a continuation bet...I called....turned the Ace of Diamond and the flush....a larger bet and 3 calls including mine....the river put four  to the flush on the board....another large bet....two calls....a quick look....no board pairs....only could lose to a better flush....if someone had the King ....called and won a big pot....also won a big pot a couple hands later on 2 pair....a pair of Black Sevens & a pair of Red Sevens....08:00 came and I was gone....ergo....146 minutes played....177 hands played....49.5 second hands....30 winners....1 every 5.9 hands....left with and extra 123,543$....no slots....as today's winnings + drops & roulette are over 550'K....might decided to take another trip to the tables....
[[note]: shortly after completing the above post I lost the WiFi for about 9 hours....]
[21:20 UTC-4]
[On Facebook]
"Fall Spades": 3 games played....[1]....9 hands played...."we" 5008 pts. + 8 bags + set twice + 2 made nil bids....vs...."they" 110 pts.[-100 pts.] +set 4 times + 1 made nil bid....[2]....8 hands played...."we" 538 pts. + 8 bags + 1 made nil....vs...."they" 388 pts. + 8 bags + set once....[3]....5 hands played...."we" 564 pts. + 4 bags + 3 made nil bids....vs....59 pts. + 9 bags + set once + 1 failed nil bid....
[21:25 UTC-4]
[On Just Solitaire]
"Clock" cleared the 3 games played today[40/40]....in:[00:01:28]'[00:01:32]&[00:01:49]....
"Sea Towers": cleared the 3 games played today[52/52]....in:[00:03:27]'[00:03:12[assisted by auto-play]&[00:04:26]....
"Crescent": 3 games played today.....best of a mediocre bunch....81/104 w/ 3 of the 4 foundation piles completed....
[21:35 UTC-4]
[On World of Solitaire]
"Aces Up"[relaxed]: failed to clear any of the 3 games played....best 42/48....
"Eight Off"[relaxed]: cleared all of the 3 games played[52/52]....
"Fan"[relaxed]: cleared all of the 3 games played[52/52]
"Josephine"[relaxed]: cleared all of the 4 games played[104/104]....
"Klondike"[relaxed][double][turn 1]: cleared all of the 3 games played[104/104]....
"Tri-Peaks"[hidden]: only cleared 2 of the 3 games played[52/52]....
[22:00 UTC-4]
[Day's End Poker]
Total Bank: 318.6'M / Net Gain Today: 375.5'K / Drops[4]&Roulette[1]: 252'K /
Table: +123,543$ / Hands Played Today: 177 / Total Hands Played: 33,924 /
[[note:1]: 3 drops@42'K w/ads.[1st three]& 1 Drop@21 s/ads. & 1 roulette spin@105]
[[note:2]: IIRC the 146 minute session is the longest I've ever played & the 177 hands are the most hands I've ever played in  a single session]....

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..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........