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Sunday, August 15, 2021

<[07:14_8/16/21]*[Yesterday's Sim&Solitaire Results]*[On MT-Today's Playlist]>
<[24/7 Games\.com]>
<Spades:..four game played consisting of a total of 45 hands played..
]1] nine hands played:"we:" 548 pts. + 8 bags:[vs]:"they" 147 pts. + 7 bags + set twice..
[2] ten hands played:"we" 559 pts. + 9 bags + set once + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 447 pts. + 7 bags + set twice..
[3] eleven hands played:"we" 566 pts. + 16 bags[-100 pts]:[vs]:"they" -126 pts. + 4 bags + set seven times + 1 made nil bid..
[4] fifteen hands played:"we" 533 pts. + 23 bags[-100 pts. + set twice + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 219 pts. + 9 bags + set five times + 1 made & 1 failed nil bids....
[[From the Tables]: game#2/10th hand..at start the hand score was "we"467 pts./"they"477 pts. "they" set..after games #3&4# decided not to play the/usual 5th game....
<[Just Solitaire]>
<Alternations[option 2]: cleared the only game played[104/104]:[in]:[08:54]:..
<Clock: cleared the only game played[52/52]:[in]:[01:48]:..
<Crescent:..six games played listed in worst(?) to best order]..
[5] 80/104 w/3 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[3] 83/104 w/4 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[1] 95/104 w/5 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[2] 95/104 w/6 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[4] 98/104 w/7  of the eight foundation piles completed..
[6] 101/104 w/6  of the eight foundation piles completed..
<Freecell: cleared the only game played[52/52]:[in]:[04:15]:..w/an assist from auto-play....
[[From the Tables]:.."speed games" a pretty typical set of three.."Freecell" was a nasty one.."Crescent".. no clears but a solid set of 6 games..no a bad one among 'um]....
<[World of Solitaire]>
<Aces Up[relaxed]: failed to clear either of the two games played[[best[46/48]..
<Eight Off[relaxed]: cleared all of the four games played[52/52[..
<Fan[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[52/52[..
<Fort[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[104/104]..
<Josephine[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[104/104]..
<Klondike[turn 1]: only cleared one of the two games played[52/52]..
<Klondike[relaxed][double][turn 1]: cleared both of the two games played[104/104]..
<Seahaven Towers[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[52/52]..
<Tri-Peaks[hidden]: only cleared one of the two games played[52/52]....
[[From the Tables]:..16 clears & 4 fails..3 new victory images achieved..now all five if the images gained on the 17th level..[6th time thru the levels]....
*[]*]Today's Live Game Results]*
<Replay Poker>2$/1$ blinds>250$ buy-in>6 chairs><:{stats}:>_62 mpld_67 hpld_5.52 secs/hd_13 pots(1/qh)_1/5.2 /hpld_"Bank:" 587,766$_"Up:" +2,589$("FCs:" +2.5K$_"Tables:" +89$)_"Total Hands Played:" 4,397_"Folds:" 71%_7th "Level(n/c):"..../....
[[From the Tables]..got an earlier start than/usual..grabbed the "house money" & dove into a "Duck Pond"..played my first hand@:[03:48]:..one of the wackier tables I've encounter..numbers varied from a few hands "heads up" to a six handed game..there were periods for the first 3/4 of the session where it was a friendly three or four handed game w/some hands "heads up"..most of my pots were won during theses lulls..all of the small/blinds variety..the rest of the time a succession of "pocket bettors" came & went..big pre-flop raises up to & including all-ins..during one of them..pocket Tens..a "modest" 5$ bump.. called..missed the flop but only one over card..called what for the other player's style was small 25$ raise..had seen him play enough to think he'd missed the flop..call..turn paired the board..another large raise but not big enough..thought I still had best hand..call..only a 2$ bump on the river..decided just to call..a nice pot..only made one quality hand..pocket Jack..paired on the flop..turn put a pair of twos on the board..& rivered the third Jack..& a blinds pot..[shrugs]..last 1/4 of the session..not one but three any-two-carders..& a bout of "My pocket cards or bigger the You three other guys' are" I lost count on how many times they went "round the table" before seeing the flop..ended up three to the river..2 all-in..the "high stack" had flopped a  straight..speaking of straights or rather lack of there of..had flopped 6 or 7 4_TOs..a couple of open-enders..nadda..later a wild two-way bout..one all-in & the other nearly.. yup..won with a high card..[shakes his only grey head]..a lot of cards were played..but very little "poker" was played..more like "Blind Man's Bluff"..oy vey..hour was up..got to the "button" (checked the box on the lower left)..folded rags & was gone..../....

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