..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Tuesday, August 24, 2021

<[15:14 UTC-4_8/22/21]*[Yesterday's Sim&Solitaire Results]*[On
<[24/7 Games\.com]>
<Spades:..four game played consisting of a total of 37 hands played..
[1] thirteen hands played:"we" 549 pts. + 19 bags[-100 pts.] + set once:[vs]:"they" 209 pts. + 9 bags + set four times..
[2 five hands played:"we" 505 pts. + 5 bags + 2 made nil bids:[vs]:"they" 56 pts. + 6 bags + set twice + 1 made & 1 failed nil bid..
[3] thirteen hands played:" 522 pts. + 12 bags[-100 pts.] + set thrice + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 387 pts. + 17 bags [-100 pts.] + set four times + 2 made nil bids..
[4] six hands played:"we" 516 pts. + 6 bags + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 105 pts. + 5 bags + set twice....
[[From the Tables]: game#4_4th hands_"we" bid 10 tricks("p" 8/"mt"2/"they"3.."we" took 11 tricks for 101 pts. "they" set]....
<[Just Solitaire]>
<Alternations[option 2]: cleared the only game played[104/104]:[in]:[09:20]..
<Clock: cleared the only game played[52/52]:[in]:[02:16]..
<Crescent: 6 games played..[listed in worst to best order]..
[1] 82/104 w/4 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[3] 95/104 w/5 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[6] 97/104 w/5 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[2] 102/104 w/7 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[4]&[5]&[7] 104/104 w/all of the eight foundation piles completed..
<Freecell: cleared the only game played[52/52]:[in]:[04:14]....
[[From the Tables]:.."speed games" just a set of three nasty ones.."Crescent"..one of the better sets of six games..2 clears & 1 "near miss"]..[game#7 was a "later game" for the "hat trick"]....
<[World of Solitaire]>
<Aces Up[relaxed]: failed to clear either of the two games played[best[36/48]]..
<Eight Off[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[52/52]..
<Fan[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[52/52]..1 game was cleared by only moving Kings to empty tableau rows..
<Fort[relaxed]: cleared all of the four games played[104/1`04]..[2 late games]..
<Josephine[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[104/104]..1 game was cleared on the 1st of the 2 allowable turns thru the deck..
<Klondike[turn 1]: only cleared one of the two games played[52/52]..
<Klondike[relaxed][double][turn 1]: cleared both of the two games played[104/104]..one was very nasty it was cleared:[in]:[17:46]:w/382 moves..
<Seahaven Towers[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[52/52]..
<Tri-Peaks[hidden]: failed to clear either of the two games played[best[50/52]]....
[[From the Tables]:..15 clears & 5 fails..2 new victory images achieved..now 1 of the 5 images gained on the 21st level..[6th time thru the levels]....[edited:[18:04 UTC-4_8/22/21]..../....
*[]*]Today's Live Game Results]*
<Replay Poker><2$/1$ blinds>250 buy-in(2x)>6 chairs(2x)><:{stats}:>_100 mpld_82 hpld_73.2 secs/hd _16 pots(6 "hds up")_6 qh_1/5&1/8th /hpld_"Bank:" 605,016$_"Up:" +2.5K$_"Tables(2):" +46$)_"Total Hands Played:" 4,912_"Folds:" 71%_7th "Level(n/c)"..../....
[[From the Tables]..another magical mystery tour on "Replay"..grabbed the 2.5K$ "house money" a dove in a "Duck Pond".."A" & "Dog" were there..everything from a six handed game down to several hands of "heads up" before there were four at the table & other than the Old Trollie the others were "'sitting out" ..waited a bit..no change..off to find another table..1st table was a mix of aggressive play..some any-two-carding..a few pocket splashes with the old Ace..pair or paint & some pot pushing after the flop..& the Old Trollie was getting mostly rags in the pocket & when I did get good looks just wasn't connecting with the "board"..did manage to win 3 pots..with a pair..2-pair..& a "4/10 shotgun" full boat (Four's full of Tens) before the series of 6 winners "heads up"..left & found another free chair at another "Duck Pond"..most hands were with four to six players..again any-two-carders..pocket bets..continuation betting..a mega-pot pusher & more "clock burners" than the Old Trollie could shake his stick at..several bouts of "My pairs bigger than Your's is" & in general loose play reigned..did catch a little better but all my pots on this table save one were like all the pots on the first table..of the small/blinds variety..I hadn't set out to play an extended session..but at some point decided to see how long it would take me to catch the right hand at the right time..the answer at least today was 90 minutes(+/-)..on the "button"..mega-pot pusher to my right..looking at pocket Jacks..saw the flop for a call of 2$ bump..any-two-carder..flop was Jack/Ten/ Three..pusher bets 10..smooth call..turn was a Three..best 15$..called & re-raise 15&..a call & another 25$..called & re-raised 25$..river a blank..he bet 2$..now though about going all-in..but wanted him to "see the hand"..just called..all my former losses covered & up a bit..did a once more to the button.. aforementioned pot-pusher splashes the pot pre-flop..got one call..a re-raise & play to my left all-in..mega Ace/King..left..Queen-Six..guess what card came on the turn..yup..a Six.."Russian Roulette Poker"at its' "Best(?)"..(just shakes his old grey head)..got to the "button" & beat feet to the "lobby"..../....

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..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........