..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Sunday, August 22, 2021

<[14:36 UTC-4_8/20/21]*[Yesterday's Sim&Solitaire Results]*[On MT-Today's Playlist]*
<[24/7 Games\.com]>
<Spades:..six game played consisting of a total of 44 hands played..
[1] seven hands played:"'we" 623 pts. + 3 bags + 2 made nil bids:[vs]:"they" 269 pts. + 9 bags + set once..
[2] seven hands played:"we" 505 pts. + 5 bags + set once +1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 235 pts. + 5 bags + set twice + 1 made nil bid..
[3] nine hands played:"we" 566 pts. + 6 bags:[vs]:"they" 497 pts. + 7 bags..
[4] eleven hands played:"we" 515 pts. + 15 bags[-100 pts.] + set once + 2 made nil bids:[vs]:"they" 141 pts. + 11 bags[-100 pts.] + set once + 1 failed nil bid..
[5] seven hands played:"we" 579 pts. + 9 bags + set once + 2 made nil bids:[vs]:"they" 345 pts. + 5 bags + set once + 1 made made nil bid..
[6] three hands played:"we:" 176 pts. + 6 bags:[vs]:"they" -200 pts. + 0 bags + set thrice..[late game]....
[[From the Tables]: game#3..the rare game were both "sides" made every bid..game#6..a classic "they" implosion game]....
<[Just Solitaire]>
<Alternations[option 2]: cleared the only game played[104/104]:[in]:[09:11]:..
<Clock: cleared the only game played[52/52]:[in]:[02:19]:..
<Crescent: 6 games played..[listed in worst to best order]..
[3] 53/104 w/0 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[1] 67/104 w/0 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[4] 78/104 w/5 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[2] 84/104 w/3 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[5] 94/104 w/4 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[6] 94/104 w/6 of the eight foundation piles completed..
<Freecell: cleared the only game played[52/52]:[in]:[04:10]:....
[[From the Tables]:.."speed games".."Alternations" just nasty card order in the deck.."Clock" & "Freecell" a couple of nasty tableaux.."Crescent"..again another mixed bag..3 "also appearing" & 3 decent results..game#4 was an odd one..only 78 cards in the foundation but 5 competed piles..just was unable to get an even "sort"]....
<[World of Solitaire]>
<Aces Up[relaxed]: failed to clear either of the two games played[[best[47/48]..the other game was a 46/48..just an Ace landing in the worst possible spot..
<Eight Off[relaxed]: clear both of the two games played[52/52]..
<Fan[relaxed]: clear both of the two games played[52/52]..1 game was cleared by only moving Kings to empty tableau rows..
<Fort[relaxed]: only clear two of the three games played[104/104]..
<Josephine[relaxed]: clear both all of the three games played[104/104]..1 game was cleared on the 1st of the 2 allowable turns thru the deck..
<Klondike[turn 1]: only clear one of the two games played[52/52]..
<Klondike[relaxed][double][turn 1]: clear both of the two games played[104/104]..
<Seahaven Towers[relaxed]: clear both of the two games played[52/52]..
<Tri-Peaks[hidden]: only clear one of the two games played[52/52]....
[[From the Tables]:..15 clears & 5 fails..2 new victory images achieved..no 4 of the 5 images gained on the 19th level..[6th time thru the levels]..[edited[18:18 UTC-4_8/20/21]....
*[]*]Today's Live Game Results]*
<Replay Poker><2$/1$ blinds/250K$ buy-in<6 chairs<_88 mpld_92 hpld_57.8 secs/hand_17 pots_1/5.41 /hpld_6 qh_71% folds_"Bank:" 599,939$_"Up:" +2.5K$("FCs:" +2.5K$_"Tables(1) broke even).."Total Hands Played:" 4,761_7th "Level(n/c)"_
[[From the Tables]..a tad later start..some things on my FB groups that required my attention..logged on to play some..grabbed the "house money"..drove in to the "Duck Pond" & almost got right back out..high stack..5K+ chips in his stack..& liked to throw them all in the pot post-river..had a couple of nice hands.. but not that nice..he left soon after..for the rest of the session it was a table in constant state of flux..six handed game could three hands later be a three handed game & even a few hands "heads up" & on any given hand..an any-two-carder w/continuation bets..a pot-pusher or a splash of the pot when a player had a singleton Ace or any pair in the hole & some "coffee break" player..play a few hands..splash the pot pre-flop & exit before the next hand & in the midst of the chaos sat the old "Trollie"...I lost count on how many 4-TOs I flopped..both straight & flushes..some of the straights were "open enders"..did I make any..made two straight..one rivered & the other a runner-runner & the flush..flopped..right before  the hour elapsed..Jack/Six suited..was down nearly 100$ at the time..flopped 2 Sixes & ??..rivered another Jack..got into a brief bout of "I bet my house beats what every you got"..got almost back to the chips I'd brung with me..decided to extend..3rd time around to the "button" had just won a nice pot when I made a runner-runner wheel..on the "button" 252 chips in my stack..checked "sit-out next hand"..called the "big" ..Ace/Five unsuited..missed the flop..folded to a 2$ bump..& left with exactly the amount of chips I'd brung with me..don't ever remember that happening before..../....

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..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........