..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Saturday, December 4, 2021

<*[15:23 UTC-5_12/1/21]*[Yesterday's Sim&Solitaire Results]*[On MT-Today's Playlist

<[24/7 Games\.com]>

<Spades:..five games played consisting of a total of 31 hands played..
[1] four hands played:"we" 298 pts. + 8 bags<>"they" -220 pts. + 0 bags + set four times
[2] seven hands played:"we" 534 pts. + 4 bags + 1 made nil bid<>"they" 126 pts. + 6 bags + set twice..
[3] nine hands played:"we" 562 pts. + 12 bags[-100 pts.] + set once +2 made nil bids<>"they" 427 pts. + 7 bags + set twice + 1 made nil bid..
[4] four hands played:"we" 268 pts. + 8 bags<>"they" -260 pts. + 0 bags + set thrice + 1 failed nil bid..
[5] seven hands played:"we" 508 pts. + 8 bags + 1 made nil bid<>75 pts. + 5 bags + set thrice...,.
[[From the Tables]:..2 "they" "implosion games" & one close one]....
<[Just Solitaire]>
<Crescent: 6 games played..[listed in worst to best order]..
[2] 61/104 w/0 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[3] 67/104 w/0 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[4] 73/104 w/1 of the eight foundation piles completed..
[6] 74/104 w/0 of the eight foundation piles completed.
[5] 100/104 w/7 of the eight foundation piles completed.
[1] 104/104 w/all of the eight foundation piles completed....

[[From the Tables]:..2 "also appearing..2 "average_1 "very good" & 1 "clear"]....

<[World of Solitaire]>
<Aces Up[relaxed]: failed to either of the two games played[best[44/48]]..
<Eight Off[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[52/52]..
<Fan[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[52/52]..

<Fort[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[104/104]..

<Josephine[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[104/104]..

<Klondike[turn 1]: only cleared one of the two games played[52/52]..

<Seahaven Towers[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played[52/52]..

<Tri-Peaks[hidden]: only cleared one of the two games played[52/52]....
[[From the Tables]:..12 clears & 4 fails_4 new victory images achieved_now 2 of the 5 images gained on the 16th level..../....

*[05:59 UTC-5]*[Today's Live Game Results]*

<Replay Poker>

<:{stats}:>2$/1$ blinds>250$ buy-in>6 chairs>65 mpld_66 hpld_9 pots_4 w/qhds_1/7.3 p/hpld _"Bank:" 29,253$_"Up:" +27,394$("FCs:" +2.5K$_"Tables(1):" -91$)_"Total Hands Played:" 706_ Quality Hands Made:" 2 sets_1 flush_1 full-boat_"Split-Pots" 2_"Folds:" 68%_"Pace of Play:" 59 secs/hd_although play ranged from a 3 to 6-handed game pre-flop..the majority of hands were 5 or 6 handed pre-flop & some "clock-burning" would have been a slower pace save for multiple big splashes pre-flop & many not called_4th "Level(+1)"..../....[[From the Tables]..Up at the /usual 04:00..after one of the better night's sleep of late..the morning offline rituals attended to..checked emails & my to FB groups..a medium work-load & off for the morning session of poker..grabbed the 2.5K$ awaiting "Free Chips" & found an empty chair on a "Duck Pond" with a very low aver-age pot size..(1st hand@:[04:44]:) & for the first few hands it lived up to the aforementioned pot average..a nice friendly table..but soon a player arrived with a severe case of ye olde pocket bet syndrome & in his wake a gaggle of pot-pushing..loose players arrived & that was the style..if that's even a proper word in this case..multiple bouts of "My pairs bigger than Yours' is" at times with 4 or 5 players involved..sheer madness..even for the MadTrollie..I tried to stay out of the way & only play solid hands..but there's the rub..you never knew because they consistently were throwing chips at the pot if they actually had a hand or were chasing &/or bluffing..I laid down a couple of hands that would have been winners..just too many players in the pot & too many hands that could beat me..problem was I was trying to play poker when the rest of the players were playing "Lotto"..the bulk of the loses were on one hand when I rivered a Jack high straight..Jack in the pocket..called a raise..re-raise..yup..the other dude had pocket Jack/Queen..I don't even want to know what the odds are for than..there was only one re-action I could have had for that,,I had a good laugh..crap happens..but than I reminded myself it is the weekend..got to the "button"..folded rags & left for the "lobby" & discovered that at some point in the chaos I had gone up a level..it would only be fitting for this day if it happened on that beat on the straight....[06:38 UTC-5]..../....

*[06:48 UTC-5]*[From under the Bridge]*

...A pretty decent day all-round on "Sim&Solitaire" play..only real high points a 109/104 & a clear on "Crescent".."Replay Poker" I was attempting to play poker on a "Lotto" table..that's just not my thing..truth be told way back when New York State started their "Lottery" I did buy one 50 cent ticket..just so if someone asked if I had ever played I could answer in the affirmative..have never played again..just not in my nature..../....

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