..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Monday, December 13, 2021

<*[07:07 UTC-5_12/11/21]*[Yesterday's Sim&Solitaire Results]*[On MT-Today's Playlist]*

<[24/7 Games\.com]>

<Spades:..five games played consisting of a total of 36 hands played..

[1] nine hands played:"we" 551 pts. + 11 bags[-100 pts;] + set once + 2 made nil bids<>"they" 35 pts. + 5 bags + set four times..

[2] nine hands played:"we" 520 pts. + 10 bags[-100 pts.] + set once + 2 made nil bids<>"they" 358 pts. + 8 bags + set twice..

[3] seven hands played:"we" 518 pts. + 8 bags +set once + 1 made nil bid<>"they" -180 pts. + 10 bags [-100 pts.] + set once + 2 failed nil bids..

[4] seven hands played:'"we" 539 pts. + 9 bags + 1 made nil bid<>"they" -83 pts. + 7 bags + set twice + 2 failed nil bids..

[5] four hands played:"we" 319 pts. + 9 bags<>"they" -228 pts. + 2 bags + set twice + 1 failed nil bid....

[[From the Tables]:..just a very messy set of five games]....

<[Just Solitaire]>

<Crescent: 6 games played..[listed in worst to best order]..

[5] 52/104 w/0 of the eight foundation piles completed..

[6] 70/104 w/1 of the eight foundation piles completed..

[1] 82/104 w/3 of the eight foundation piles completed..

[2]:[3]&[4] 104/104 w/all of the eight foundation piles completed....

[[From the Tables]:..2 "also appearing"..1 good & 3 clears..I don't ever remembering clearing three games in-a-row before].....

<[World of Solitaire]>

<Aces Up[relaxed]: failed to clear any of the four games played[best[44/48]]..

<Eight Off[relaxed]: cleared all of the four games played[52/52]..

<Fan[relaxed]: cleared all of the four games played[52/52]..

<Fort[relaxed]: only cleared three of the four games played[104/104]..

<Josephine[relaxed]: cleared all of the four games played[104/104]..

<Klondike[turn 1]: only cleared two of the four games played[52/52]..

<Seahaven Towers[relaxed]: cleared all of the four games played[52/52]..

<Tri-Peaks[hidden]: only cleared two of the four games played[52/52]....

[[From the Tables]:..23 clears & 9 fails_3 new victory images achieved_now all 5 images gained on the 21st level..had some extra time..ergo..played a 4th rotation..../....

*[05:48 UTC -5]*[Today's Live Game Results]*f

<Replay Poker>

<:{stats}:>2$/1$ blinds>250 buy-in>6 chairs>65 mpld_73 hpld_17 pots_4 w/qhds_1/4.3 P/hpld_

"Bank:" 53,161$_["Up:" 2,511$("FCs:" 2.5K$_"Tables(1)+ 11$)_:Quality Hands Made:" three straights & one full-boat_"Split-Pots:" 1_"Pace of Play"..50+ secs/hd_played varied from a 2 to 6-handed game..there was an occasional bit of "clock burning" but there were several 2 to 4 handed games with little or no raises & very quick play_"Total Hands Played:' 1,324_"Folds:" 69%_5th "Level(n/c):"..../....[[From the Tables]..A basically normal start to the day..offline rituals completed..off to check emails & look-ins on my 2 FB groups..very little that required any attention & off to play my traditional early morning round of poker..pocketed the 2.5K$ awaiting "Free Chips" & off to find a "Duck Pond"..ah..only open chairs were at tables with average pot sizes above what I'm comfortable with..got on the waiting list for the only table with am average pot size under 20$..about a 10 minute wait before a chair was available..(1st hand@:[06:07]:)..except for a brief visit by an any-two-carding,,pot splasher..the rest of the time it was a friendly table..with the occasional 2$ to 5$ pre-flop bump..some 2$ continuation betting & made a tad larger raise pots turn &/or river..for the first 40 minutes I was catching some good looks in the pocket & hitting some flops..but all the pots I made were of the small blinds variety..save for a 1/2 way decent one when I hit a runner-runner wheel..last 25 minutes..just wasn't catching ..mostly a 2 to 4 handed game..spent way too much time in the "blinds" & when I did win a pot it was a small/blinds one & got rivered once & out kicked twice..at it's "high water mark" my stack was just over 300$ & when I left I was still up howbeit marginally..play slowed towards the end of my session & the hour past when the "button" was on my left..6 handed..took 5 minutes to get back to the "button"..folded rags & departed for the "lobby"....[06:18 UTC-5]..../....

*[06:30 UTC-5]*[From under the Bridge]*

..Interesting 24 hours of play on "Sim&Solitaire".."Spades" one relatively close game & 4 "blow-outs".. "Crescent"..as mentioned above..3 straight clears..never done that before.."World of Solitaire"..just another day at the office.."Replay Poker"..just a "hot & cold" day..just like the old nursery rhyme.."when  it was good it was very good & when it was bad it was plumb awful" (okay so I paraphrased a bit)..../....  

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