..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Sunday, December 19, 2021

<*[15:32 UTC-5_12/16/21*[Yesterday's Sim&Solitaire Results]*[On MT-Today's Playlist]*

<[24/7 Games\.com]>

<Spades:..five games played consisting of a total of  29 hands played..

[6] six hands played:"we" 537 pts. + 5 bags + set once + 2 made nil bids<>"they" 205 pts. + 5 bags + set once..

[2] three hands played:"we" 166 pts. + 6 bags<>"they" -210 pts. + 0 bags + set thrice..

[3] nine hands played:"we" 505 pts. + 15 bags[-100 pts.]<>"they" -28 pts. + 2 bags + set four times + 1 made nil bid..[the 8th hand was a 14 bid.."they" set]..

[4] two hands played:"we" 113 pts. + 3 bags<>"they" -250 pts. + 0 bags + set twice + 1 failed nil bid..

[5] nine hands p;ayed:'we" 531 pts. + 11 bags[-100 pts.] + set once + 1 made nil bid<>"they" 152 pts. + 2 bags + set four times + 1 made nil bid....

[[From the Tables]:..game#4..1st hand.."they" bid 5 tricks & a nil..failed both bids..-150 pts.]....

<[Just Solitaire]>

<Crescent: 5 games played..[listed in worst to best order]..

[2] 63/104 w'1 of the eight foundation piles completed..

[4] 71/104 w/1 of the eight foundation piles completed..

[1] 72/104 w/2 of the eight foundation piles completed..

[3] 97/104 w/6 of the eight foundation piles completed..

[5] 104/104 w/all of the eight foundation piles completed....

[[From the Tables]:..three out of the four first games I played all started pretty well & than went nowhere..got a good run & cleared the 5th game & decided to quit while I was ahead]....

<[World of Solitaire]>

<Aces Up[relaxed]: failed to clear any of the three games played[best[

<Eight Off[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..

<Fan[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..

<Fort[relaxed]: only cleared one of the three games played[104/104]..

,Josephine[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[104/104]..

<Klondike[turn 1]: failed to clear any of the three games played[best[4/52]]..3 very nasty ones..

<Seahaven Towers[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..

<Tri-Peaks[hidden]: only cleared one of the three games played[52/52]]..

[[From the Tables]:..not one of my better rotations,,14 clears & 10 fails_8 new victory images achieved_now all 5 images gained on the 10th level,,,,/....

*[05:50 UTC-5]*[Today's Live Game Results]*

<Replay Poker>

<:{stats}:>2$/1$ blinds>250$ buy-in>6 chairs>60 mpld_71 hpld_18 pots_6 w/qhds_1/3.9 p/hpld_
"Bank:" 68,660$_"Up:" +2,608$(""FCs:" 2.5K$_"Tables(1):" +108$)_"Quality Hands Made" 1 set_
1 straight_2 flushes & 2 full-boats_"Split-Pots" 2_"Pace of Play"..50.7 secs/hand..play ranged from a 2 to a 6-handed game..just a little "clock-burning"..but several hands of friendly "heads up" skewed the secs/hd a little_"P/HPLD" also skewed..5 of the pots were blinds pot whilst playing heads up..opponent folded pre-flop..on the other hand I was catching at a decent clip_"Total Hands Played:" 1,720_"Folds:" 68%_5th "Level{n/c)"_[[From the Tables]..rolled out of the sack at the /usual 04:00+/- & dealt with the /usual offline concerns..off to check emails & my 2 FB groups (mod/admin)..light work-load this AM..then off to my morning session of poker..grabbed the awaiting 2.5K$ & joined the waiting list on the "Duck Pond" with the lowest average pot size..one open table but an APS in excess of 300 chips/pot..but kept an "eye" on the other tables..set came open on a table with a 70+/- APS & "JC2" at table..left the waiting list & took the open chair..(1st hand@:[04:37]:)..turned out that there were several pot-pushes afoot..went into ultra-tight mode ..but with in the first few hands won a 1/2-way decent pot..had pocket Anna Kounikova ..flopped the Ace & turned the King for twins..a few hands later..pocket Twos..called a small post flop raise..turned the set..called a larger raise..river put a 3-TO a straight on the board..a big raise..I've been at table with this player before..my "read" was semi-bluff..called & a very nice pot..with in a couple of hands I found myself in the aforementioned "heads up" duel..when the table filled back up to a 5 or 6 handed game ("Elifant" arrived & later "TS")..play settled down to a friendly howbeit occasionally aggressive game..some splashes pre-flop based on pocket cards & some pot-pushing throughout play..but a playable board..hour struck whilst I was on the "button"..flopped a 4-TO a Jack high flush (Jack in the "hole") called a couple of continuation bets..rivered the right Ace..a 1/2-way decent pot..& left for the lobby..a decent day's played....[06:28 UTC-5]..../....
*[06:38 UTC-5]*[From under the Bridge]*
...Another 24 hours of play on "Sims&Solitaires"..decent day on "Spades".."Crescent"..3 "also appearing" 1 very good..cleared the 5th & shut-down.."World of Solitaire"..just kept catching some very nasty lay of the cards..not one of my better days..../....

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..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........