..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Thursday, August 13, 2020

[05:03 UTC-4]
[+62*F_mostly cloudy_winds:south@2_humidity:80%_barometer:30.11"/\_Today's Hi/Lo:+87*F/+63*F]....[Today on MadTrollie:[Medieval];["The Mix"];[Jazz/Big Bands];]....
<[24/7 Games,com]>
Spades: four games played consisting of only 22 total hands played..[1] 8 hands played:"we" 504 pis. + 14 bags [-100 pts.] + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 136 pts. + 6 bags + set twice + 1 made & 1 failed nil bid,,[2] six hands played:"we" 559 + 9 bags + 2 made nil bids:"vs":"they" -74 pts. + 4 bags + set twice + 2 failed nil bids..[3] four games played:"we" 278 pts. + 8 bag:[vs]:"they" -208 pts. + 2 bags + set thrice + 1 failed nil bid..[4] four games played:"we" 249 pts. + 9 bags:[vs]:"they" -250 pts. + 0 bags + set four times..[[note]: "they" have been know to "skip a cog" now and again but this time I think the whole chain fell off the "bike" last ten hands.."they" set nine times & failed 2 nil bids]....
Hearts: only three games played..[1] an 18 pt. win..[2] a 24 pt. win..[3] a 4 pt. win....
<[Just Solitaire]>
Crescent: only three games played..[2] 54/104 w/0 of the eight foundation piles completed..[2] 72/104 w/2 of the eight foundation piles completed..[3] 102/104 w/7 of the eight foundation piles completed....
<[World of Solitaire]>
Aces Up[relaxed]: failed to clear any of the three games played[best:[45/48[2x]]..
Eight Off[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..
Fan[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..
Fort[relaxed]: only cleared one of the three games played[104/104]..
Josephine[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[104/104]..
Klondike[turn 1]: only cleared one of the three games played[52/52]..
Seahaven Towers[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..
Tri_Peaks[hidden]: only cleared two of the three games played[52/52]....
[[note]: because of my attendance a a family gathering yesterday afternoon  did not play as many games as/usual]....
[06:19 UTC-4]
Poker:[04:17]..I did take the roulette spin [154K] late after returning for the family get-together..a more normal start time this AM & picked up the awaiting drop(w/ad.} for 44K..combined.."198K  house money..[the /usual side trips to run time off the "drop" clock]..four tables..all play terminated by visits by the "Grim Reaper"..and again..on the first table with 15 hands played..but had the 10K+ already...made the 16 hands first hand on the second..all tables were of the 1K/.5K variety as/usual as were the typical for me 125K-max-buy-ins on all four..played varied from a few hands "heads up" to on 2 of the tables a four/five handed game..but on the other two tables it was by-in-large a three handed affair..a bit of pot-pushing..and the ever present pocket singleton Ace/any pair or paint pre-flop raise..and a couple of bouts of "My pairs bigger than Yours' is"..a visits by a couple of the "Ladies of Poker"..but for the most part players I didn't "know"..but apparently except for the first table there was a meeting of the "Order of the Any-Two_Card"....most hands..min-raise pre-flop & continuation min-raises there after..usually I try to stay clear of that action..but was getting good looks in the pocket..and general catching at least a piece of the flop or turn..the river was the problem..I did "river" a few pots..but that fickle river washed away far more chips then it brought my way..and never did hit a big pot..and way to many blinds and too many decent holes cards and calls of pre-flop min-raises..and Old Man River doing me wrong..ergo..:[stats]:..33 minutes played..83 minutes off the "drop clock"..50 hands played..9 pots..1 for every 5.54 hands played..left 19,650$ on the table..[no slots]....[edited:[19:25 UTC-4]:....
Poker:Take 2:[11:11]..I had been thinking of checking out the play later in the day..I usual always play in that same 05:00 to 06:00 time slot..the funny thing was that the theme for this morning was "any-two-carding"..and was at the tables [four in number..all 1K/.5K blinds w/my 125K-max-buy-in]..and so were three of "The Ladies of Poker" who I have been at tables with many times..anyways..different time slot..but pretty much the same..caught in streaks..won a few nice pots ans lost a better one to a better straight..ended up basically breaking even for the session..down just marginally..and the now tradition four boots by the "Grim Reaper"..[results below for this session only..will post "Day's End" later]..ergo..:[stats]..35 minutes played..41 hands played..11 pots..1 for every 3.72 hands played..left 900$ on the tables..[no slots]....[12:06 UTC-4]....
Day's End Poker:[19:32 UTC-4]
Total Bank: 635.2'M / Net Gain Today: 441.5'K / Drops[7]&Roulette[2]: 462'K /
Tables[8]: -20,550 / Hands Played Today: 91 / Total Hands Played: 59,490 /
[[notes]: 2 drops@44K & 5 drops@22K & 2 roulette spins: 1@154K & 1@110K]....

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..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........