..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

[10:24 UTC-4]
[+46*F....partly cloudy....winds: e/n/e@4 mph....humidity: 75%....barometer: 30.37 /\ ]
[nice weather through Saturday PM when rain is predicted....daytime highs in the 60's F]
{Now Playing: a mix featuring "oompah music" [link]]
[05:39]....logged on to play some Poker and picked up the awaiting drop for "44'K House Money"....which  today was a factor....I had my every 6 month checkup with the Doc this morning @09:00....take the next drop before I left....and give me the time to get back from the checkup in time to take the 3rd drop on time....did the math and had to play at least an hour....and more if possible....so decided to play until 60+minutes or the 44'K house money was gone....[05:42]....took a "chair" at a 1K/.5K table and put my 125K-max-buy-in on the "felt".....an eight handed game....one big stake....but he wasn't a big problem....but the pot-pushers....any-two-cards....and the "I've got a pocket Ace, or any pocket pair....All-In" were....I tried to stay out of the way and still win a few pots....was blown out of hands by pre-flop or post-flop all-ins more times than I could count....and in all but three would have lost the pot....twice I would have rivered full house....and once I'd flopped trips....but there was a straight draw on the board....and an all-in that I'd have to go all-in to cover....so folded....I would have made quads on the river....under different circumstances I probably would have made the call but it was short of the hour and folded....did manage to win 2 pots....a blind pot and a small pot both on rivered cards....but got rivered few times on other hands....seemed like more pots were won than /usual on this table....any ways....my house money almost gone....looked at the clock....80 minutes played....and made my exit....ergo....60 hands played....80 seconds/hand....only the 2 winners....and left 43,925$ on the table....[no slots]....[pause off to pickup a drop]....well the plan worked and I got back in plenty of time to take the drop and write this post....
[10:40 UTC-4]
[On "24/7 Games.com"]
"Bridge": one rubber played:"we" 2 games won [1050 pts.]:[vs]:"they" 1 game one [470 pts.]....
"Spades": three games played....
[1]: seven hands played:"we" 587 pts. + 7 bags + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 406 pts. + 6 bags....
[2]: seven hands played:"we" 568 pts. + 8 bags + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" -47 pts + 7 bags + set four times....
[3]: twelve hands played:"we" 514 pts. + 14 bags [-100 pts.] + set twice + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 408 pts. + 8 bags + set three times + 2 made nil bids + 1 failed nil bid....[8th hand....a 14 bid...."we" set]....
[13:36 UTC-4]
[On "World of Solitaire"]
"Aces Up"[relaxed]: failed to clear any of the three games played today[best:[44/48]....
"Eight Off"[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played today[52/52]....
"Fan"[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played today[52/52]....
"Fort": failed to clear any of the three games played today[best:[81/104]]....
"Josephine"[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played today[104/104]....one of the three games was cleared on the first turn through the deck....
"Klondike[turn 1]: only cleared two of the three games played today[52/52]....
"Klondike[relaxed][double][turn 1]: cleared all of the three games played today[104/104]....
"Tri-Peaks"[hidden]: only cleared one of the three games played today[52/52]....
[14:21 UTC-4]
[On "Just Solitaire"]
"Clock": cleared three games today[40/40]:[in]:[2:10]~[01:46]&[01:41]....
"Crescent": three games played today.....one mediocre, one average....and one....85/104 w/4 of the 8 foundation piles completed....
"Sea Towers": cleared three games today[52/52]:[in]:[03:42]~[03:07]&[03:32]....
[19:06 UTC-4]
[On "Facebook"]
"Blackjack 21": I decided to take another look at this game....played 17 hands....16@400$....and 1@10$....old habits took over on that one and bet the 10$ that I always used to bet when I played the game a lot....won: 6 / lost: 9 / pushed: 2 /....down 1,210$....but 5 of the 6 wins were on dealer busts....and as I've said before blackjack really isn't my game....but had a few minutes and played anyways....and will probably re-visit it from time to time....
[20:43 UTC-4]
[Day's End Poker]
Total Bank: 379.9'M / Net Gain Today: 308'K / Drops[7]&Roulette[1]: 352'K /
Table[1]: -43,925$ / Hands Played Today: 60 / Total Hands Played: 41,955 /
[[note:1]: 6 drops@44'K & 1 drop@22'K & and 1 roulette spin@66'K/
[[note:2]: dang....third time in a row I hit the bottom of the wheel for  66'K....I mentioned last night that I had a Doc' appointment today....everything is fine with the exception of a minor change in my diet....which I was thinking of doing anyways....Saturday will be a short game day....a get-together with my sibs and their respective mates....from 16:30 to ????]....

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..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........