..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Sunday, November 10, 2019

[07:38 UTC-5]
[+36*F..w/wind-chill: +28*F..winds: south@12 mph..humidity: 58%..barometer: 29.92" \/ ]
[rain forecast to begin around 14:00..changing to snow around 20:00..continuing through 01:00]
[Today's Play List:[Pop Mix]..[Mozart]..[Bernstein]..
[Last Night]
[On "24/7 Games.com]
"Chess": five games played..five games won..
"Spades": five games played..
1] nine hands played:"we" 632 pts. + 12 bags [-100 pts.] + 2 made nil bids:[vs]:"they" 45 pts. + 5 bags + set four times..
2] seven hands played:"we" 514 pts. + 4 bags:[vs]:"they" 145 pts. + set once + 1 failed nil bid..
3] twelve hands played:"we" 594 pts. + 14 bags [-100 pts.] + set once + 2 made nil bids + 1 failed nil bid:[vs]:"they" 70 pts. + 10 bags [-100 pts.] + set three times + 1 failed nil bid..
4] six hands played:"we" 558 pts. + 8 bags + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 103 pts. + 3 bags + set three times + 2 made nils + 1 failed nil..[1st hand..14 bid..partner's nil made.."they" set]..[3rd & 6th hands..both time "they" made nil..but their partner failed the regular bid]..
5] nine hands played:"we" 573 pts. + 13 bags [-100 pts.] + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 234 pts. + 4 bags + set twice..
[08:34 UTC-5]
[On "Facebook"]
[05:04].."Poker": logged on to play some poker and picked up an awaiting double drop.."44'K house money"[aka: money I ain't afraid to lose]..got right on a 1K/.5K table and put my 125K-max-buy-in on the table..a very chaotic table..that is to say your pretty typical table..with number of players and styles of play in a constant state of flux..some hands "heads up" and others with as many as 6 players..and all styles of play were in attendance..pot-pushers..pot-splashers..any to carders..Ace bets..kamikaze..dive-bombers..and multiple "coffee break" players..even on the weekend [oy vey]..they that is the "coffee break" player can be both dangerous..and easy pickings..they tend to splash the pot on a whim..so it's hard to get a "read"  on them in the short time they're there..but if you have a "made" hand..they can be slow played [aka: trapped]..with great success..
   There were very few hands where you could get to see the flop for a simple call/check of the blind blind..if it wasn't an any-two-carder..an Ace bet..or a tournament style player..a kamikaze or a player on "tilt" would splash the pot..and for the better part of an hour despite winning a few pots here and there..and having my 10K+ mission in-hand..between the pace of play which was quite fast..too many blinds..and too many times paying to see flop & turn and coming up empty..I was down to the last of my 44'K house money..and then the board changed..now populated by mostly any-two-carders and "coffee break" players..any easier board for my style..you could see most flops for a call/check of the big blind or a min-raise..and I started catching..and apparently today was the day of the flush for the old MadTrollie..made a flush 5 times..2 of them nut flushes..and here is where I have an advantage..I can call a raise or even make a min-raise myself and I just blend in..and it seems that no one was concerned with 3 to a flush on the board..but once there was a board flush and a couple players jumped all over it..usually I would have run and hide..I truly hate "playing the board"..but as/usual I was "cheating"..I had the flush Ace in the pocket..and finally I was "up"..but the table went cold..another kamikaze arrived and I thought better of it and made my exit..ergo..92 minutes played..142 hands played..38.9 seconds/hand..22 winners..1 out of every 6.5 hands played..left with an extra 8,060$ I hadn't brung with me..[no slots]..again today I observed some I just don't get..why do some peeps fold from the big blind when they can see the flop for a check..I just don't understand..you've already paid..see the flop..I once had Nine/Three unsuited..saw the flop for a call..flopped trip Nines..and the 4th one on the turn..sure won't happen often..but you've already paid..see the flop..
[12:58 UTC-5]
[On "World of Solitaire"]
"Aces Up"[relaxed]: failed to clear either of the two games played today[best:[44/48]..
"Eight off"[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played today[52/52]..
"Fan"[relaxed]: cleared both of the two games played today[52/52]..one of the two games cleared was cleared with only moving Kings to open spaces..
"Fort": failed to clear either of the two games played today[best:[83/104]]..
"Josephine[relaxed]: cleared both of  the two games played today[104/104]..
"Klondike"[turn 1]: only cleared one of the two games played today[52/52]..
"Klondike"[relaxed][double][turn 1]: cleared both of the two games played today[104/104]..
"Tri-Peaks"/hidden]: failed to clear either of the two games played today[best:[51/52[2x]]]..
[20:30 UTC-5]
[On "Just Solitaire"]
"Clock": two games cleared today[40/40]:[in]:[01:59]&[01:30]..
"Crescent": two games played today..one mediocre at best and the other barely average..
"Sea Towers": two games cleared today[52/52]:[in]:[04:54]&[04:40]..a couple of tough ones..
[20:35 UTC-5]
[Day's End Poker]
Total Bank: 406.3'M / Net Gain Today: 932'K / Drops[6]&Roulette[2]: 924'K /
Table[1]: + 8,060$ / Hands Played Today: 142 / Total Hands Played: 45,252 /
[[note]: 6 drops@44'K & 2 roulette spins@330'K [each]..

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..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........