..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

 *[05:11 UTC-4]*[51*F_light rain_winds:s/s/w@11 mph_humidity:98%_barometer:29.90"\/_today's hi/lo:+59*F/+45*F]*]rain to continue thru 13:00 today]*[Today's Playlists on MadTrollie]:[Bach];[Telemann];[Praetorius];[WindSync];[Pop];]*

[Yesterday's Sims&Solitaire Results]<[24/7 Games.com]>..Spades: five games played consisting of a total of 45 hands played..[1] seven hands played:"we" 556 pts. + 6 bags + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 346 pts. + 6 bags + 1 made & 1 failed nil bids..[2] eleven hands played:"we" 524 pts. + 14 bags [-100 pts.] + set twice + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 209 pts. + 9 bags + set four times..[3] seven hands played:"we" 546 pts. + 6 bags + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 148 pts. + 8 bags + set once + 1 failed nil bid..[4] ten hands played:"we" 535 pts. + 15 bags [-100 pts.]:[vs]:"they" -195 pts. + 5 bags + set for the "six-pack"..[4th hand..a 14 bid.."they" set]..[5] six hands played:"we" 506 pts. + 6 bags + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 143 pts. + 3 bags + set once + 1 failed nil bid....<[Just Solitaire]>..Crescent: five games played..[5] 54/104 w/0 of the 8 foundation piles completed..[2] 59/104 w/1 of the 8 foundation piles completed..[4] 72/104 w/2 of the 8 foundation piles completed..[1] 82/104 w/1 of the 8 foundation piles completed..[3] 96/104 w/6 of the 8 foundation piles completed....<[World of Solitaire]>..Aces Up[relaxed]: failed to clear any of the three games played[best:[43/48]:]..Eight Off[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..Fan[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..Fort[relaxed]: only cleared two of the three games played[104/104]..Josephine[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[104/104]..two of the three games were cleared on the 1st of the 2 allowable turns thru the deck..Klondike[turn 1]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..Seahaven Towers[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..Tri-Peaks[hidden]: failed to clear any of the three games played[best:[51/52]:]....

*[06:54 UTC-4]*[[Today's Live Game(s) Results]*<[Facebook]>..Poker:[04:16]:..picked up the awaiting drop(w/ad.) for "44K house money"..[the/usual other online tasks to run time off the "drop clock"]..:[05:16]:..a total of five tables played..as/usual all were of the 1K/.5K variety & as/always I risked the max-buy-in..which on 1K/.5K tables is 125K..played was mixed..ranging from "heads up" to very briefly a six handed game..and with in a matter of four hands the six handed game devolved into "heads up".."The Reaper" was extremely busy this morning..only a couple of bust-outs..never saw an any-two-carder..which is odd..that style is one of the more common..but not today..sure there were pre-flop raises and some continuation betting but in general it was because a player had a pocket singleton Ace/any pair/any paint..and in one case suited connectors(Ten/Nine in Spades)..[if the pre-flop raiser is in the reveal I always check what he had raised on..helps me establish a "read"]..a few bouts of "My Pairs bigger than Yours' is"..and one appearance of a kamikaze..after he got one player to dive-bomb [4 on the table at that point] & the dive-bomber busted out..the next three hands all he heard were crickets..no chips followed his into the pot..he stayed but no more pre-flop all-ins..if nobody calls..generally they'll leave..or on the rare case like this..change styles..I never call a pre-flop all-in..even with a pair of "Bullets" in the hole..there is no pre-flop hand that can't be cracked..[gets off his soap box"'..../....and then there is the dang "Grim Reaper"..now in general I wasn't catching at a reasonable rate anyways..but all 5 visits from the Reaper this morning were in the middle of a hand when I had gotten a piece of the flop &/or the river..oy vey..it's not that I wasn't getting a reasonable number of decent pocket looks..or getting at least a small piece of the flop..but except for two straights never made another quality hand..one was heads up and a blind pot..the other I hand a Jack/Nine unsuited..and flopped a King high straight..decided to slow play..no raises..so raised 2.5K after the river..got two calls and what was the best pot I made all day..had open ended draws thee different times & once a double-gut-shot..no joy..and a gut shot straight draw..flush draw..&..a straight-flush draw on the same hand..nothing..but just too many blinds..and not enough wins..ergo..:{stats}:..41 minutes played..101  minutes off the "drop clock"..58 hands played..8 winners..1 out of every 7.25 hands played..left 27,225$ on the table..[no slots]..[[note]: the reason I run time off the "drop clock" before I play is that gives me a "buffer" of several minutes so that if I do miss a drop time by a few minutes I can still get the/usual total of 8 drops/roulette spins in a day]..[just took drops from all three live games]....Video Poker Live: another all too typical of my daily run for the 2x modifier..no quality hands..missed a four to a flush..best hands a couple  of 2-pair..down 150'K coins.."Current Bank" now stands@71.445'M coins....[11:18]....Blackjack 21: another trip to the tables..10 hands played@100$/hand..5 wins/4 losses/1 push..up 100$..dealer busted 3 times..but a couple of weird things happened..I had an Ace + a low card 3 times..and all three hit to a 3-card 21..won 2 hands [neither was on a dealer bust] & the other was a push when dealer also hit to a 3-card 21..and on the wins by dealer bust I hand a 2-card 15 all three times..[The MadTrollie scratches his old grey head].."Current Bank" stands@1,118,900$....[12:08 UTC-4]....Day's End Poker: Total Bank: 680'M / Net Gain Today: 544.8'K / Drops[7]&Roulette[1]: 572'K / Tables[5]: -27,225$ / Hands Played Today: 58 / Total Hands Played: 62,609 / [[notes]: 4 drops@44 & 3 drops@22K & 1 roulette spin@1@330]....[19:16 UTC-4]....

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..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........