..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

(07:44 UTC-5)
   New Year....A New Beginning....probably not...I'm just the same old gimpy, grumpy, old codger that's set in my ways....and frankly I like it that way....normal start time....and off to play so Poker....tried 3 times to find a "chair" at a 200/100 blind table....in rapid succession....and got the same result....table is full....rats....but I wanted to play....maybe needed to play....ergo....took a "chair" at a 1000/500 blind table....been awhile since I've played anywhere except a 200/100 blind table....right  off the bat thought there was a lot of pot pushing....took me a couple of hands to tumble to the fact that a 2,500$ raise on a 1000/500 blind table....is the equivalent to a 500$ raise on a 200/100 blind table....dummkopt....I really have to get out more....caught a few decent pocket cards....and as/usual missed most of the flops....very fluid table from 4 to 8 players at any given time....got caught in the blinds more than usual....did win a blind and a small pot....but because of the size of the blinds....completed the 10K+ cash mission....and stayed long enough to pick up the 16+ hands played mission as well....ergo....17 hands played....left 8'K at the table....and off to Blackjack 21....
   "Sat down" to a table of 5....but as/usual at Blackjack 21 a very fluid table....sometimes 3 or 4....and actually had a decent run of cards....pretty even split between the usual 12 to 17 hands and the 18-21 hands....but the dealer was hot so the end result was a forgone conclusion....but it could have been worse....ergo....10 minutes played....13 hands played....5 wins....2 blackjacks (one was a push)....1 push....1 split (dealer showing 10....I had a pair of Aces....won one, lost one....so in reality another push)....dealer only busted once ( like I said....hot dealer)....down 15$....could have been worse....could have been better if the dealer had busted a couple more times....
(15:15 UTC-5)
    Blackjack 21....second trip....the make up of the table was totally different....this morning at a table that averaged 4 players....in 10 minutes....played 10 hands....this afternoon....in 10 minutes....a 2/3 player table....19 hands....but the dealer again was hot....and I was not....ergo....10 minutes played....19 hands....6 wins....1 other 21 ( the only hand I beat the dealer....other 5 wins were on dealer busts)....down  60$....
(19:57 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
1) Crescent Solitaire: 4 games played....all just decent...best game....82/104 w/ 4 completed foundation pile....
2) Fall Spades: 2 games....{1st game}....6 hands played...."we" 554 pts. + 4 bags + 2 nil bids made....vs...."they" 197 pts. + 9 bags + set once....{2nd game}....10 hands played...."we" 556 pts. + 6 bags + set once....vs...."they" 419 pts. + 9 bags + set once....
3) Aces Up (relaxed): only 1 game played....38/48....
4) Klondike(turn 1): only 1 game played....52/52....a winner....
5) Josephine(relaxed): 12 out of 12 games cleared....104/104....1 game cleared with only one "trip" through the deck....
6) Mahjong FRVR: puzzle of the day solved....but this requires an explanation....I usually play the "casual" level....in theory the easiest....but the difficulty really varies from one day to the next....I took 4 or 5 cracks at it today and got nowhere....decided to try the middle level....or as it is called....the "normal" level....and had it cleared " in two shakes of a lamb's tail"....(The MadTrollie can be seen shaking his old grey head and muttering)....haven't decided a definite course of action as/of yet....but may switch to the "normal" level....
(21:01 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 160.342'M / Net Gain Today: 307'K / Drops(8)&Roulette(1): 315'K /
Tables(1): -8,000$ / Hands Played Today: 17 / Total Hands Played: 22,891 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 412,725$ / Net Gain Today: 3,825$ / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 3,900$ /
Tables(2): -75$ / Hands Played Today: 32 / Total Hands Played: 6,809 /

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..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........