..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

(06:41 UTC-5)
   Normal start time....got maybe a couple of inches of fresh snow....but the forecast over the next 3 days predicts snow fall could be as much as 3 feet....oy vey....and off to start the day of playing games online....
   After one failed attempt to take a "chair" at a 200/100 blind Poker table...."sat down" at a 1000/500 blind table....a table of 4 or 5 depending on the comings and goings....not a bad table....just some pot building....and a couple of all-ins after the river....but for the most part a decent table....3rd hand what did I find in my "pocket" but Anna Kounikova....the old Ace/King....good looking....but rarely wins....I have a long established "love/hate" relationship with that hand....I love to hate it....got me in trouble more times than not....this time however....danged if I didn't flop 2 pair....and a small pot....won a couple of blind pots....but just before the 16+ hands played banner appeared....a new player....who just had to raise every hand before the flop....only a minimum 1K....and he came in with a buy-in of maybe 40K max....just over the minimum....banner appeared....and I disappeared.....14 hands played (but the 16+ banner appeared....have no idea what the glitch is....and don't care....as long as the game gives me credit for completing the mission).....left 200$ at the table....but won 500$ from one winner out of three spins at the slots.....and off to Blackjack 21....
   Took 4 or 5 attempts to extricate myself from the "black hole"....a ghost table....so the math doesn't make any sense but here goes....when I finally got on a "live" table it was at table of 3 except for the last hand and then 4....pretty much my usual selection of hands....a few good hands and the rest shmattah....of the hit-able hands, only one was a "hit".....had an 11 and doubled to a 21....ergo....13 minutes played (10 minutes at the 2nd table)....20 hands played(?)....5 wins....1 blackjack (was a push when dealer made blackjack)....1 other 21....1 double....4 dealer bust....down 30$....
(17:30 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
( On Facebook)
1) Fall Spades: 5 games played....{1st game}....7 hands played...."we" 518  pts. + 8 bags + 1 nil bid made....vs...."they" 153 pts. + 3 bags + set twice....{2nd game}....12 hands played...."we" 547 pts. + 7 bags + 3 nil bids ( made 1, failed 2) + set once....."they" 241 pts. + 11 bags (-100 pts) + 1 failed nil bid + set twice....{3rd hand}.....7 hands played...."we" 545 pts. + 5 bags + 1 nil bid made....vs...."they" 276 pts. + 6 bags + set once....{4th game}....5 hands...."we" 526 pts. + 6 bags + 3 nil bids made....vs...."they" 195 pts. +5 bags + set once....{5th game}....8 hands played...."we" 556 pts. +16 bags (-100 pts.) + 2 nil bids made....vs...."they" 239 pts. + 9 bags + 1 nil bid made + set twice....
2) Mahjong FRVR: 15 games played....1 puzzle solved at the "casual level"....&....14 puzzles solved at the "normal  level" including puzzle of the day....
3) Video Poker Live: Start Bank: 179.9 million chips....End of Day Bank: 196.1 million chips....
(On Just Solitaire)
1) Crescent: only two games....one bust....&....102/104 w/ 7 completed foundation piles....
(On World of Solitaire)
1) Aces up(relaxed): 2 of 8 games played cleared....48/48....
2) Klondike(turn 1): 2 of 8 games played cleared....52/52....
3) Josephine(relaxed): 8 of 8 games played cleared....104/104....one game cleared with only I time through the deck....
(20:49 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 182.009'M / Net gain Today: 483.3'K / Drops(8)&Roulette(1): 483'K /
Table(1)&Slots(3): +300$ / Hands Played Today: 14 / Total Hands Played: 23,449 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 486,345$ / Net Gain Today: 3,370$ / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 3.400$ /
Table(1): -30$ / Hands Played Today: 20 / Total Hands Played: 7,425 /
   I've been playing more "Fall Spades" the last couple of days....at close of day today I was at 1,996 wins....and I want that 2,000th win....

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..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........