..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Monday, September 14, 2020

[05:53 UTC-4]
[+56*F_mostly cloudy_winds:n/n/w@5_humidity:91%_barometer:30.09"/\_Today's Hi/Lo:+61*F/+39*F]....
[Today on MadTrollie:[Medieval];[Pop];]....
[Yesterday's Sims & Solitaire Results]
<[24/7 Games.com]>
Spades: four games played consisting of a total of 36 hands played..[1] eleven hands played:"we" 504 pts. + 14 bags [-100 pts.] + set once:[vs]:"they" 17 pts. + 7 bags + set four times + 1 failed nil bid..[2] eight hands played:"we" 629 pts. + 9 bags + 1 made nil bid:[vs]:"they" 133 pts. + 3 bags + set thrice..[3] ten hands played:"we" 517 pts. + 17 bags [-100 pts.]:[vs]:"they" 223 pts. + 3 bags + set twice + 1 failed nil  bid..[4]..seven hands played:"we" 538 pts. + 8 bags + 2 made nil bids:[vs]:"they" 206 pts. + 6 bags + set twice..Hearts: four games played..[1] blocked an opponent's "moon shot"..made a "moon shot" on the 4th hand..a 38 pt. win..[2] made a "moon shot" on the 3rd hand..an 11 pt. win..[3] a 20 pt. win by 10 pts..[4] caught the Queen of Spades..a 20 pt. win....
<[Just Solitaire]>
Crescent: four games played..[4] 75/104 w/2 of the 8 foundation piles completed..[2] 89/104 w/3 of the 8 foundation piles completed..[3] 98/104 w/5 of the 8 foundation piles completed..[1] 101/104 w/7 of the 8 foundation piles completed..
<[World of Solitaire]>
Aces Up[relaxed]: failed to clear any of the three games played[best:[45/48]:]..
Eight Off[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..
Fan[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[52/52]..2 of the 3 games were cleared by moving only Kinds to open tableau rows..
Fort[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[104/104]..
Josephine[relaxed]: cleared all of the three games played[104/104]..
Klondike[turn 1]: only cleared one of the three games played[52/52]..
Tri-Peaks[relaxed]: only cleared two of the three games played[52/52]..
[[notes] 19 clears/5 fails..now 4 of the 5 victory images achieved on the 39th and last level..[3rd time thru the levels....
[07:18 UTC-4]
[Today's Line Game(s) Results]
Poker:[04:59]..a late start today..picked up thee awaiting drop(w/ad.) for "44K house money..[the /usual side-trips to run time off the "drop clock"]..:[05:55]:..I've has frustrating days on the table before..but this one as they used to say "Takes the Cake"..7 tables played..1st table..1st hand..flopped 2 pair..hit both hole cards..turned the house and a decent pot..and then discovered I was on a table with a couple of pot-pushing/ant-two-carders/continuation bettors..and never caught another hand..either missed the flop..or was willing to pay the price to continue..eight hands played and then "The Reaper"..2nd/3rd/4th tables..really only  one table three times..2 guys..both with multiple tournaments played..classic big pot poker..and was was using the "auto-top-off" function..never got to play a hand..left..got put right back there..left..ditto..nine hands played..more like 9 hands watch..5th & 6th tables..31 hands played..[20 on the 4th/11 on the 6th]..decent tables..some any-two-carding..put/pushing..pocket Ace/any pair/any paint pre-flop bets..just wasn't catching..was getting some decent looks in the pocket..but except for 2 hands..either missed the flop or a small piece..did win a pot with a straight and lost another when my trips were beat by a rivered straight..only 3 to the straight on the board..got kicked from both with a visits from the "Reaper"..7th table..if it wasn't the two raids by kamikaze..there was a "Table Bully"..if this cat didn't splash the pot pre-flop..then post-flop..and every time I folded..would flash "afraid to gamble/fold master"..and for the most part I flat wasn't catching..twice got to see the flop..and caught a couple of hands..so raised the min & what did the bully do..yup..folded both times and flashed "lol"..cute..anyways the "Reaper" came..and I decided enough was enough..ergo..:{stats}:..50 minutes played..106 minutes off the  "drop clock"..78 hands played..11 winners..1 for every 7.1 hands played..left 28,825$ on the tables..[no slots]....[edited:[19:55 UTC-4]
[Day's End Poker:
Total Bank: 662.6'M / Net Gain Today: 521.2'K / Drops[6]&Roulette[2]: 550'K /
Tables[7]: -28,825$ / Hands Played Today: 78  / Total Hands Played: 61,090 /
[[notes]: 6 drops@44K / 2 roulette spins: 1@198K & 1@154K]..[20:00 UTC-4]....

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