..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Friday, December 14, 2018

(07:10 UTC-5)
   Basically an average start to  the day....normal start time....(if anything thing about me can be considered normal)....First run at Poker...."sat down" at what was a great table for my style of slow play, low ball poker....except for the very end....when a flock of kamikaze and dive bombers appeared....would have stayed if that hadn't happened....already had completed the 16+ hands played mission....but the run of the cards just wasn't there....I won a couple of bling pots....split a pot....but between not great pocket cards and, never hitting the flop....no that's not quite true....I did hit bottom pair a couple of times....just an ugly run of cards....16 hands played....down 1,038$....no Slots....
   Now I had hoped that the bad run of cards would not follow me to my morning trip to a Blackjack 21 table....and it didn't....it was replaced by....and mind you I didn't think it was possible....by an even worse run of cards....except for the last two hands.....every hand I was dealt was a 12 or higher....and except for 4 hands they were 12 to 16.....the exceptions were a 17, 16, and two 20's....and of those 4 only one of the 20's won straight up....dealer hit to a 19....last two hands were a 10 and an 11....so I hit (with the way the cards had been falling I didn't dare "double")....and missed....coupled with that the dealer was pipping hot....ergo....18 hands....super short table....2 or 3 players and 2 hands just me and the dealer....4 wins....3 dealer pushes....down 90$.....on the bright side....did hit for 2K$ on the first Roulette spin of the day....I had had several sessions in a row where I had won or basically broke even....so I view this pasting as probably overdue (note: I almost never bet more that 10$/hand)....come on peeps I just turned 71....if anyone is "old school" it's me....
(20:15 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
1) Crescent Solitaire: 5 games....3 that went nowhere....1 just decent....but the 5 and last game I played....99/104 with 6 completed foundation piles....
2) Mahjong FRVR: 5 puzzles solved including puzzle of the day....once in awhile it takes me more that one try to solve a puzzle....however the puzzle of the day was a really tough nut to crack....lost count but took 5 or 6 tries before I beat it....
3) Word Search: 5 puzzles completed....
4) Fall Spades: a wild 7 hand affair...."we" 544 + 14 bags & 1 nil bid made & covered & went in the bag once (-100 pts.)....vs...."they"....-104 + 6 bags + set 5 times....
5) Klondike(turn 1): 2 out of 5 games cleared....52/52....
6) Josephine(relaxed): 7 out of 7 games cleared....104/104....6 took 2 turns through the deck....1 was cleared on the first trip through....
7) Clock: 1 game cleared in....{00:02:41}....
8) Freecell: 1 game cleared in....{00:04:12}....
(Note: because Freecell is more complicated then Clock....I consider anything under 5 minutes to be acceptable....and under 4 is a good run....with Clock....anything under 3 minutes is okay....but under 2 minutes is the goal....sometimes the fastest time are assisted by auto-fill....I always have it turned on....but it doesn't always "kick-in"....)....
(20:57 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 145.871'M / Net Gain Today: 398'K / Drops(7)&Roulette(2): 399'K /
Table(1): -1,038'K / Hands Played Today: 16  / Total Hands Played: 22,325 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 356,600$ / Net Gain Today: 1,710$ / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 1,800$ /
Table(1): -90$ / Hands Played Today: 18 / Total Hands Played: 6,351 /
   The daily totals for "Total Bank" & "Net Gain Today"....are often rounded up or down or the "100s" are just ignored....all other numbers are accurate as stated....unless of course I have a typo I missed....I sometimes take a drop or roulette spin or play one of the "other games" after I  run "Day's End"....these are reported on the next day....a habit that was part of my routine when I ran a shipping department for 25 years....getting a start on the next day after close of day reports....

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..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........