..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........

Monday, December 31, 2018

(06:39 UTC-5)
   Got an earlier start than/usual this morning....and off to another fun filled ride around the WWW....first stop....Poker....took my "chair" at what was a decent table for my style of play.....only a brief spell of some pot pushing....but after a few hands of big pre-flop raises....and the rest of the table folded....he got the hint that the rest of us weren't going to play that way....although the typical ebb and flow of a typical table for the most part a table of 5....got some decent hole cards from time to time....but didn't hit the flop as often as I would have like....after the flop had 4 to a straight 5 or 6 times and never hit one....true they were all "gut shots" but one can hope....won some hands....lost some hands....lost a bundle when I couldn't get away from a full house and another player rivered a better full house....oy vey....ergo....played about 20 minutes.....21 hands....left 10,545$.....that dang rivered house....no slots....and despite the loss....along the way won enough pots to complete the 10K+ cash mission....and the 16+ hands played mission as well....it's just the way the game is....and of to a "chair" at Blackjack 21....
   "Sat down" at a full table....and for most of the session it remained so....a few hands at 4....when one player left....and another arrived....you never know when you take your "chair" what awaits you....except for the pace of play....the number of players really isn't a factor....I've read that your odds are better the more players are at the table....but I really haven't observed that to be true....it's all comes done to if the dealer is catching or not....this time the dealer wasn't and I was....catching  hands that is....I'm not sure but I suspect it's a mobile thing....but player comes to the table with 200$ (probably a drop)....bets it all....and catches a blackjack....bet it all again....&....again....and preceded to go on a run that ended when they lost a 4000$ bet....19 beats 18....I'm guess not the first time or probably the last....player was a level 2....not for me but I guess as we said back in the day "whatever floats your boat"....got so involved in watching the above....played past the 10 minutes I had intended to play....ergo....15 minutes played....21 hands....13 wins....1 blackjack....2 other 21's....1 double....9 dealer busts....up 75$....
(12:17 UTC-5)
   Second trip to Blackjack-21....except when the dealer busted, which wasn't often enough from my POV....every hand he flipped or hit was a 19-21....and mostly 20's & 21's....the only two hands I won were blackjacks....and he flipped a 20, and hit a 3 card 21....and I actually made an above average number of 19's and 20's....and lost everyone unless he busted....oy vey....&....ergo....10 minutes played....19 hands....a 2 or 3 player table w/ 3 hands just me and the dealer....6 wins....3 blackjacks....4 dealer busts....down 45$....
(19:06 UTC-5)
(Summary of Other Games Played Today)
1) Crescent Solitaire: 4 games played....best 2 games....both 84/104....one hand 2 foundation piles completed....the other had 4 completed foundation piles....
2)Mahjong FRVR: 3 puzzles solved including puzzle of the day....
3) Josephine(relaxed): 12 out of 12 games cleared....one just barely....1 game cleared on I trip through the deck....
4) Klondike(turn 1): lost only game played....
5) Aces Up(relaxed): 0 for 10 games cleared....best....46/48....
6) Fall Spades: {1st game}....9 hands...."we" 508 pts. + 18 bags (-100 pts.) + 2 nil bids made + set once....vs...."they" 56 pts. + 6 bags + set 3 times + 1 failed nil....{2nd game}....9 hands...."we" 503 pts. + 13 bags (-100 pts.) + 1 nil bid made....vs...."they" 86 pts. + 6 bags + set 3 times....
(20:15 UTC-5)
(Day's End Poker)
Total Bank: 160.036'M / Net Gain Today: 577.5'K / Drops(6)&Roulette(2): 588'K /
Table(1) -10,545$ / Hands Played Today: 21 / Total Hands Played: 22,874 /
(Day's End Blackjack 21)
Total Bank: 408,900$ / Net Gain Today: 2,930$ / Drops(7)&Roulette(1) 2,900$ /
Table(2): +30$ / Hands Played Today: 40 / Total Hands Played: 6,777 /

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..........[All sites mentioned here are "free"sites..all money is game money..'faux money'..it ain't real]..........